Chicken Breed Focus - Brakel


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
The Brakel or Braekel chicken breed is one of the older European chicken breeds. Its history dates back to 1416, when it was mentioned as a successful poultry breed of the Brakel region, in Belgium, from which it took it's name. Brakels are similar to the Campine breed, which originated in Antwerp in the northern part of Belgium. Brakel and Campine females look very similar, but Brakel males have normal cock feathering, whilst Campine males have hen feathering which distinguishes the two, together with subtle differences in weight, the Brakel being the heavier of the two.
Two distinct types of Braekel were recognized in the past: the large type living on rich clay soil Flanders, and a light-weight type from the less fertile region, the Kempen. Due to crossbreeding between the different types, this distinction vanished, resulting in a single type.
Old names for the breed are "The Everyday Layer", "The Grey White Neck" and "The Nuns Hen".

Purpose: Egg production
Egg laying: 180-200 white eggs annually
Weight: Cock - 7 lb; Hen - 6 lb
Colours/Varieties: Silver; Gold (Standardised in the UK)

All pics by @SimonV

BYC Breed Discussion:

Do you own Brakels? Are you a Brakel breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:

· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!

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Can this be a bantam as well? I have a banty rooster that I don't know what he is.
I have order a brakel pullet. the reason is these chickens are too beautiful so I must have at least one. the breeder is not willing to sell more than 1 female and I already have 7 males of different breeds.
The hens are calmer than Campine hens,they are very friendly and like to run in your way when you are in their pen.
They get very tame when you use treats an if you are calm around them.
I now have 4 roosters of this breed, but still have my original one to.

The hens are calmer than Campine hens,they are very friendly and like to run in your way when you are in their pen.
They get very tame when you use treats an if you are calm around them.
I now have 4 roosters of this breed, but still have my original one to.

They are stunning! Just Beautiful.
Thanks for sharing the info

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