
  1. rascal66

    Swollen Comb?

    I just picked up a whole bunch of chickens the other day. I noticed we got a Leghorn in this batch! But I noticed that the comb was a lot thicker than what I'm used to seeing. She is laying and acting fine. No other obvious signs of illness otherwise. Is it just me? Or is it swollen...
  2. Scissors65

    Confused about my New Hampshire Pullets

    My girls are 14 weeks old. I purchased them at TS. I was wondering why my Scarlet has a bigger wattle than her sister Ruby? Could she possible be older? Or does it just vary by the pullet? Oh, I just had to add a Scarlet butt photo, it is just so darn cute! Thanks for your help!
  3. ebretzel

    Help me ID white specks on chicken comb

    Anyone know if this is something to be concerned about? Bumps are raised and oblong, and seem pretty secured to comb. Have not found any picks of spots that look quite like this after some searching.
  4. R

    Pullet's Comb Turning Grey!? Please Advise!

    Please help me understand what's wrong with my little one. I had an Ameraucana pullet die at 17 weeks old on May 12 of avian leukosis. I had an Ameraucana pullet die at 18.5 weeks of Marek's on June 5. Now my 16.5 week old lavender Orpington named Opal suddenly has a grey comb. I hope you...
  5. T

    Leghorn with no comb?

    I am new to raising chickens. 15 weeks ago we got 4 pullets of different breeds but I am confused by one in particular. It is supposed to be a leghorn but each of my other chicks started getting a comb several weeks ago but the leghorn has no comb that I can see. Is it some genetic defect? Or do...
  6. Georgeschicks

    floppy comb?

    hi! my almost two years old bcm has a floppy comb that is also a weird color. is she ok? what should i do? usually her comb stands up.
  7. E

    Combs and wattles

    As we’re all carefully inspecting our chick’s combs and wattles at this time of year with anticipation...I’m wondering what age is average for them to start turning more pink for a pullet vs a cockerel? Does it really depend on breed? My guess is that cockerels start to show themselves with...
  8. bateshomesteaddream

    Combs injured on hardware cloth

    Let me start out by saying we are new to chicken owning. We have six 4 wk old chicks. Yesterday & today we put them in their run for a little out door time during the day. Today when we went out to bring them back into their brooder (the spare bathroom) we saw that all 6 of them have scratched...
  9. BarredRockMommy

    Another Freebie Not Sure Of Breed!

    Meet NIGEL! He is sooooo cute! I think its a roo, but not 100%. Fixing his leg also so dont mind the thing around his legs. Same age as my other chick, but a whole lot less feather growth, and apparently that means roo...maybe? Any guesses on breed or gender already? Very chill bird! I was...
  10. BarredRockMommy

    Mixed Breed Chick! Any guesses??

    Rescued this little thing yesterday. It is in treatment, so you don't have to comment about it's leg:) any guess on breed from this or wanna take stab at gender and test out your sexing abilities lol! It's only a couple days old and i know its too young to really tell, but though it would be...
  11. M

    Normal comb?

    Hi, I live in Los Angeles (so no frostbite risk) and I noticed that one of my rhode island reds has some dark purple on her comb. The problem is that I don't know if she had this darkness before or not. I don't think so but not sure. She's eating and hanging out fairly normal. The only...
  12. DuckWhisperer06

    What’s wrong with my cockerel’s comb?

    I noticed earlier this morning that our cockerel’s comb seems to be turning blackish blue. He’s about 30 weeks (7 months) old If anyone know what this is or how to fix it that would be greatly appreciated :fl:hugs
  13. HeatherlyHash

    Rooster Comb Injury

    It started with a little frostbite. We had a bad rain and wind storm on a 60 degree day, and that turned into a 15 degree night. My rooster, Jamie, suffered a bit of frostbite on the tips of his comb. Not a huge deal. Fast forward a week later and the center tip of his comb is bloody and just...
  14. D

    Frostbite advice

    We have had a relatively mild winter (WV) with temps in the 20s and 30s at night or higher. The temps have dropped into single digits the past two nights, wind chill below zero. Two of the chickens ended up with frost bite. I have had a heat lamp in the house, i use it ehen it drops below 30. I...
  15. JenJae

    White spots on combs, some on feathers

    Trying to identify if this is parasite related or fungus. These guys are all around 8months old. We've had some damp/wet weather over the last month or so. My polish? hybrid hen is starting to lose feathers on her crown, comb becoming exposed. It hasn't been a full crest from the get-go so...
  16. Chickadooo

    Chicken comb torn and bleeding. Beak tip broken and bleeding.

    Chickens comb is partially torn off and bleeding. The top part of her beak tip is broken and bleeding. I just brought the chicken in the garage, cleaned off her comb with a warm wet cloth, applied a mixture of silver gel, anitibiotic ointment, and coconut oil to the comb and the broken beak tip...
  17. S

    Still molting?

    We got our first 5 hens last May. Last fall they had just started laying so they haven’t ever been through a molt until this year. I’ve read online that it can take a longer time for “spring chickens” to begin laying again after their very first molt - at this point it’s going on 3 months and...
  18. Courtney Jane

    12 weeks old, no comb?

    Hi guys! First time chicken owner here. I have had my (hopefully) girls for 6 weeks now and they are currently 12 weeks old. 2 of them have normal single combs but one has almost no comb at all? They are from the same batch. Not sure on their breed but they’re from a farm so I’d say they’re a...
  19. K

    “Sapphire” genders/combs CCLxLH

    I bought 10 straight run “sapphire” chicks, a Crested Cream Legbar cock over Leghorn hens. At about 2.5 weeks now and I have 6 which are clearly getting named Foghorn, Soup, Soup, Stew, and I’ll have to pick another Keeper name... they all have large, bright single combs. The three clear pullets...
  20. Mini-Daisy

    HELP! frostbite pox or something else ??

    My laying hen Mini had some grayish spots on her comb this morning when I checked on her and the other chickens. Her behavior is as normal, eating and drinking well talkative as always so her behavior showed no signs of any problem,but the color of her comb is worrying me. It has gotten...
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