
  1. Carly18

    Ameracauna comb

    Hi! Im new here. We have 9 chickies, 7 of whom are definitely hens, now laying eggs. Two of them are Ameracaunas, raised from chicks. One, Lucy, has a very low pea comb and just layed her first egg today! The other, Primrose (Everdeen) started growing a comb about 6-8 weeks ago, it stayed low...
  2. Jes78b

    Silkie sex, what kind of comb?

    Is this a normal silkie comb? What's the gender?
  3. Jes78b

    Silkie comb, male?

    Had anyone had experience with Rural King silkies? All of mine seem to have different combs. Idk what could be in the mix there? Do you think it might be male or female ? I'll keep posting pics of the others as I get time, and service, lol! Thanks in advance! Oh he's 4 weeks old (almost)


    Hello everyone my name is Saaniya Jackson and I'm a owner of my two beautiful roosters namely Tootoo & Teetee For me these babies aren't chickens I raised them like my own kid Since the day I bring tootoo teetee home . Tootoo always have a good growth then teetee , He always a active , fast...
  5. P

    Chicken Comb Torn Part Way

    We are new to owning chickens and have 4... 1 Buff, 1 Australorp, 1 Rhode Island & 1 Swedish Flower Yesterday, a neighbors cat was stalking our backyard chicken coop and made the chickens go bazzerg! Our Black Australorp, Iris, who is only 5.5 months old and not laying yet had cut/caught her...
  6. Little Kitten

    Rooster's Infected Comb

    Hi I'm a little worried about my rooster's comb I believe he was pecked and he has an open wound between the top spurs. At first, I noticed it was dirty with black dirt but now I notice that it has puss. I'm worried that it may have infected my other chickens because now I notice their combs...
  7. Saaniya

    This is my 4th thread about dubbing

    Hello everyone Here I'm just so sad and very much hopeless I believe so much My 1.5 year old leghorn rooster tootoo Grow his comb so big so heavy and so thick that now made his neck bent & hes having breathing problems I here search at my best didn't find any vet I always post thread about this...
  8. KLIL

    Female Or Male?

    Hi Everyone, Is there a way you can tell a female or male from the Combs? These are Black Australorp chick that are 24 days old today and I have noticed a difference between them both. One has a darker looking comb. The other is extremely pink. Note: No need to worry I won't be...
  9. Katz103

    8-week old Ayam Cemani comb, normal? And what gender?

    Hi - I've noticed that some of my Ayam Cemani chicks have a gap in their comb. Fully black, oyster tongue, from good quality stock. There are no side sprigs. I haven't been able to find anything about this. Does anyone know what causes it? And is this 8-week old a pullet or a cockerel? Thanks!
  10. L

    Is this unique little chicken a hen or roo??

    Hello, Thank you all for taking the time to look at this post! I am brand new to the chicken world, and having trouble determining the gender of this little one. Its a blue old English Bantam, 9 weeks old and is the only chick in my young flock with red comb and wattles. What do you think?
  11. C

    Comb blocking eye site

    I have a healthy leg horn for a few years now. She has always had a floppy comb. But all of a sudden, her comb turned pale and now completely blocks her eye site on one side. Her disposition has changed and has become much more skittish and now tilts her head to the side. Is there a remedy to...
  12. Thechickentrainer1999

    How much do most vets charge...

    What is the average cost at the vet for a chicken checkup?
  13. loveayam

    Comb has white & yellow spots

    Dear all, My serama/bantam chicken is 2 years old now. Its been more than 6 months he’s suffering yellow and white spots on his comb. Day by day, it gets harder and spots are increasing. Sent to the vet, but the doctor said those are dandruff. I doubt that. I’ve tried applying herb medicine...
  14. A

    Swollen comb on silkie hen

    My hen has a very swollen comb. We also have a case of scaley mites in our coop, so I thought that was the issue and have been treating it as so, but the swelling has not gone down now for a few days. Could it be a sting? I'm worried it's something more serious - she has been acting normal...
  15. Keeperoflock

    Comb Injury and Possible Infection

    I have a 5 mo. old Leghorn that was a victim of an over zealous rooster that got rehomed yesterday. :hit I've been putting antibiotic ointment on it for a couple weeks. When I first noticed it there was just a couple little nicks in it but I'm of the pro-active type and wanted to head infection...
  16. CuteBantams

    Silver Laced Wyandottes

    Hello, We got 10 SLW chicks this spring, and my brother and I will be showing some at our county fair this summer. Here's the scoop: Some of them have rose combs, and some have small single combs. Are the ones with single combs showable? Thanks!
  17. KassieEspi

    Andalusian Comb and Egglaying

    Hello Everyone, On June 7, 2018 my Blue Andalusian laid her first egg. It was oddly long, but roughly the size of a normal store bought egg. Ever since she laid her first egg, her egg size has been decreasing. I don’t know what a “normal” size egg is supposed to look like, being new to raising...
  18. Shari6083

    Bully Hen Pecked a Hen's Comb off

    This is not an emergency, but I have a hen with no comb left. My question is will it grow back? If not, how can I help it? Story: I found my hen hiding under a ramp and thought it was just dying. But then discovered it wasn't dying so I shoo'd it out back into the yard and one of the other...
  19. madisonboe

    Black spots on comb?

    Just noticed some black spots on my 12 week old blue Wyandottes (?) comb. They weren’t always there! Is it just the coloring of her comb or something wrong?!
  20. HuskerHens18

    What is this comb?

    Everyone will probably be very frustrated with me, as I have NO CLUE as who the dad of this chick is. The mom is an unknown breed from TSC that BYC and myself couldn't figure out either. This is the mother who sadly passed away. Anyway back to my question, what kind of comb is that supposed...
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