fowl pox

  1. Saint_ Marwenne_Chickens

    HELP! Fowl Pox

    I have a few questions about fowl pox. What can I do about it? How long does it take for it to clear up by itself? All my chickens have it. But one of them has a completely closed left eye, and it's pussy. What? Please post any tips or stuff you know for me. Even if I haven't asked about it. I...
  2. L

    1 month Barred Rock- Foot growth on both feet? (not bumble) Slow to feather and smaller than rest

    Hey everyone! I am new to Backyard Chickens and I have had my chicks for exactly 1 month today. There are 3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Black Australorps 6 Barred Rocks (5 hens 1 rooster) My concern is regarding 1 of the Barred hens. She has black callus or wart like growths on both her feet. She is...
  3. jopheso

    Avian Pox aka Fowl Pox

    I want to document a case of avian pox. We had this in our flock last year and it was really scary because of how ugly it looks and how long it lasts. We actually lost 2 birds to this because we didnt know what to do. I want to try to help anyone new to this. It is NOT blackhead which is deadly...
  4. NDgoatgirlNV

    Help please, is this Fowl Pox?

    I rescued a Cornish cross rooster yesterday and when I asked the previous owner about the black marks on his comb, she said it might have been from the other birds picking on him..he is 14 weeks old and HUGE! I've been so paranoid about keeping my flock disease free, I'm just wondering if what...
  5. myachick

    Fowl Pox???

    Hi this is my first time having chickens. I thought i was doing everything right until this happen!! :he I am almost positive its Fowl Pox from what I've read on BYC threads. I have a flock of eight, all of them have it!! I have 2 in quarantine since I think they may have the wet strain of it...
  6. Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)

    Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)

    Avian Pox (text courtesy of Mississippi State University, photos by BYC) Avian pox is a relatively slow-spreading viral disease in birds, characterized by wart-like nodules on the skin and diphtheritic necrotic membranes lining the mouth and upper respiratory system. It has been present in...
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