vent issue

  1. bibzybean

    Why does my hen's back feathers look like this?

    My head hen is usually a creamy white colour, but her bum feathers look absolutely horrible. She has had similar issues in the past but they usually clear up on their own, however I have never seen her look this bad. Physically, she's fine - fat, eats and drinks plenty, runs around - but her...
  2. M

    5 Week Old Chick Has Leaky Vent

    My 5 week old chick has had this problem where its vent leaks white liquid non-stop for two weeks. I've treated it for vent gleet because although that problem affects older chickens, I thought the symptoms fit. The treatment was epson salt baths, anti-fungal cream, and no antibiotics. After 10...
  3. crazy_chicken99

    please help!! vent doesn't look normal (graphic warning)

    Hello dear readers of backyard chickens, today i was with my chickens and i noticed not only that my chicken is pooping wierd shape of poop but also her vent looked wierd (see the picture) when she was pooping. but as soon as she stoped poopig her vent went back to a healthy one. they are 21...
  4. L

    Week Old Chick with Swollen Vent

    Hi all! I am hoping to get so wisdom on what to do with a 6 day old chick with a swollen vent. Google has been no help and I’ve never dealt with this. This chick had mild pasty butt develop less than 24 hrs after I brought her home that I easily treated for 2 days with warm compresses...
  5. TreeStrepek

    What’s wrong with my Hen’s Vent?

    Hello Fellow Chicken Lovers- 5 days ago I brought my hen in for medical care. Her backside was all full feces. I soaked her butt, removed the poop & trimmed her poop-caked feathers. She is getting stronger— but What is sticking out of the vent? I gently pulled on it— Thinking it was an...
  6. Mucciolina Countryside

    Please Help.. She is getting worse, looked like Vent Prolapse

    I need help, please, any idea of what’s happening and what can I ado to help my little amami? This morning I Found my 2 months old coturnix Quail Hen with what I thought was a prolapse vent Photos should explain better A”sac” it’s hanging out from the vent, feels bumpy, i would guess full of...
  7. Silkiechickie13

    Hen’s vent is clogged with white tissue? Please help

    Hello everyone! *graphic images* My silkie hen has a clogged vent yesterday I saw she was just sitting there but did not suspect anything this afternoon her rear feathers were covered in a watery substance and when I picked her up she vomited on me. I thought she was egg bound but further...
  8. H

    Swollen vent on duck: not egg bound? Please help

    My laying rescue pekin has a pretty swollen, irritated vent and I haven’t been able to find help anywhere else. She is still laying and acting relatively normal although she’s getting a little bit slower now that we are on day 3 and it isn’t looking any better. I don’t see any discharge & it...
  9. R

    Potential vent prolapse help?

    I have an ~8 week old pullet that has what appears to be a vent prolapse. Disclaimer: I'm not sure if she is a she or a he... It got picked on a couple weeks ago and feathers haven't grown back in yet and obviously shes too young to be laying or crowing yet! I've had chickens for 2 years and I...
  10. froggyphore

    prolapsed vent?

    to preface, i'm not very experienced with chicken anatomy. yesterday i noticed one of my hens had a broken soft shell egg stuck in her vent, she tried to push it out every couple minutes but it wouldn't dislodge. i wrapped her in a towel & gently pulled it out with a paper towel. i noticed a...
  11. Henhaven2090


    i have a chicken that has something major going on with her vent. I didn’t notice it until yesterday when I noticed some diarrhea on her feathers. I’ve inspected the whole flock within the last 2-3 weeks because we just dealt with mites. Posting a picture for better ideas. I looked up vent...
  12. Cierabug


    My red star hens abdomen has been red and swollen for the past three days. Her vent and abdomen are red and can be seen straining. I tried to feel for an egg, but didnt feel anything. She has stopped trying to leave the coop an now just sits down all day with her eyes closed. She also has yellow...
  13. PrincessLay-a

    Hen with hard vent protrusion

    Hey everyone. Just this night I saw one of my hens sitting in the corner of the coop looking sad and droopy. When I picked her up I saw that she had a hard calcified lump coming out of her vent. I soaked her greatly in warm water and pulled it out. It was hard and smelled god awful. It didn't...
  14. K

    Chick with malformed vent? Please help.

    this is my second hatch, things went overall quite well, my chicks are now 2 days old and I’m concerned about the vent on one, I thought it was just pasty butt yesterday, however on cleaning it again today I noticed I can’t find the actual vent? today I also noticed it’s a little lethargic. The...
  15. W

    Help Vent Warts/Growths in Sick Silkie Roo

    I need help figuring out what is wrong with my silkie roo. Here is what we have observed and done so far: - Roughly 3 weeks ago He stopped standing up was very weak in the legs and stopped eating. He came and spent a couple days with his “nana” and he got medicated water and quiet time without...
  16. F

    Help! Open mouth breathing, hiccups/sneezing and yellow vent discharge

    Hello all and thank you in advance for your advices. our 7 month silkie started breathing with open mouth ( no sound or foul odor) for the last 2 days. she was lethargic yesterday but seems more active today, eventhough she was laying with closed eyes a few times today too.. she has weird...
  17. Chippychick123

    Brown clumps of feathers?

    Anyone know what this maybe and how I can treat it, I’m suspecting something along mites but the weather is getting nicer so that might have something to do with it too? She hasn’t lost an appetite and her egg laying is normal, the vent isn’t blocked and seems normal as well as her poop.
  18. sassfras

    Possible vent obstruction? Disease?

    I have a nine month old cuckoo maran who is definitely having an issue with laying/pooping. Over the last week or so I have found a couple shell-less eggs (not just soft shelled, there was absolutely no shell). More recently I found a couple almost scrambled egg looking poops, but I couldn't...
  19. Lyndssxo08

    Clogged vent?

    okay so where do I even start? :hmm Not last Friday, but the friday before I came home to find my 8 month old hen named Sarah with a prolapsed vent. After dealing with a vet and getting her stitched up the following Monday, she prolapsed before we even got home from the vet, so we had to take...
  20. S

    Hard, black poo on vents

    I have 2 hens that for more than 2 weeks have poo hardening to their vents. At first, I noticed an awful smell (not the normal stinky poo smell, but more of an infection smell) and saw that they had yellow stool sticking to their vents/feathers and hardened black poo. I isolated them both, gave...
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