~«Survival By War»~ (Warrior cat rp)

Only feeling a slight shred of remorse for leaving the sun to rise to its full glory unseen, Hazelpaw nodded happily. "Yeah, sure." Tail high, she turned a speculating circle to glance over their options for hunt terrain. She turned back suddenly and went to loom over him, grinning. "Wanna change it up a bit and work as a team?"
The sight of Hazelpaw's delighted face looming over him forced Crowpaw to return her grin, unable to dwell on the pessimistic things in life. "I'd love to." Swiftly, he rolled and jumped to his paws, quickly shaking his pelt. He took a few bounds across the moor, pausing a scenting the air. He glanced back at her, nodding his head to one side. "Let's try this way."
"But Ashstripe's better. Sure, Nettlepaw's a medicine cat, and helped heal her, but StarClan is the only one that could heal a disease as bad as it sounded." Gingersplash meowed, glancing at Nettlepaw through the Nursery's entrance. She had a strange feeling about the apprentice, not that she was bad, but that she was hiding something... "Notice anything off about Nettlepaw lately?"


"Yes, can't have your ego ruined because of a silly kit, now can you?" Silverkit rolled her eyes, shaking her head, but the joy was still present in her eyes.


Brokenwing trotted up to him, nodding. "Sure thing," she murmured, allowing herself to return the smallest of smiles, which only encouraged Rabbitleap's gawking. Brokenwing scowled, flicking her tail. "Let's go."


Ravenpaw shook her head quickly, eyes widening. "Canopypaw, you know I'd do anything for you..." She shifted her paws, staring at them. "And I know this sounds like the words of a coward, and they are, but...I-I can't go back there. They're training kits! I can't watch that. I can't."


Nettlepaw nodded, watching the kits with adoration glittering in her eyes. "Well," she pulled herself together quickly, straightening herself. "They're healthy, so I will get going and leave you in peace." She dipped her head, and backed out of the den.

Nettlepaw trotted across the clearing, head low as she slipped into the medicine cat den. She paused for a moment when she saw Willowstar, but skirted quietly around the leader, crouching down by a pile of half-sorted herbs. I have to hear what she's going to say...

"I believe Nettlepaw handled Ashstripe's illness more than Starclan could have, she may not be a full Medicine cat yet but she's very good at what she does." Dustypaw then glanced towards Nettlepaw "Oh no, nothing's really off, she's just so busy taking care of the clan by herself. I went out and helped her collect herbs the other day, she's a good cat that just has a lot going on around her. She has secrets, I can feel that but which cat doesn't?"


Snakepaw rolled his eyes before he batted at her ears playfully. "It's not my ego at stake, it's my reputation! Bleh think about how gross the clan would treat me if they thought I was a nice cat, I absolutely wouldn't't be able to exist anymore." He explained with silly dramatics.


Lostpaw shot a fast glare at Rabbitleap for making Brokenwing uncomfortable. He figured the new warrior didn't mean much by her gawking but he was quick to walk back outside the camp with Brokenwing, he didn't like spending much time in there anyways.


Canopypaw moved to Ravenpaw and nuzzled her head against her friend in comfort. "I understand, it's not cowardly at all, your feelings are the most important thing and you know you shouldn't have to watch actual kits being trained there." She paused in thought "Ravenpaw... why would they have interest in you? I mean I understand Wingpaw because of who his mother is... but why would they target you?" She wondered before she suddenly felt fear and panic shot through her. Could it be that Cloudfur was still going to the Dark Forest, were they trying to turn her friends against her as she was the last connection to Starclan or could Cloudfur just be doing this out of spite... it was irrational for Canopypaw to think Cloudfur had any part in this but the lingering fear of her mentor made her mind race to blame her.

Still seated in the shadows just behind the den's entrance, Ashstripe lifted her head and welcomed Willowstar in with a thin, yet genuine smile. "Of course." Her mouth abruptly twisted into a pensive frown and she took steps to hesitantly peer outside. "Hopefully you didn't have an audience when you came in here, though."

Willowstar gave a small tired smile"I made sure I slipped away quietly, the clan is busy celebrating so I doubt eavesdroppers would even be able to hear us." She reassured as she finally sat down, curling her thin tail over her paws. "You should come out tomorrow, it's been long enough and the clan misses you. Besides I have an apprentice ceremony to do in two sunrises and I'd hate for you to miss another ceremony."
"I believe Nettlepaw handled Ashstripe's illness more than Starclan could have, she may not be a full Medicine cat yet but she's very good at what she does." Dustypaw then glanced towards Nettlepaw "Oh no, nothing's really off, she's just so busy taking care of the clan by herself. I went out and helped her collect herbs the other day, she's a good cat that just has a lot going on around her. She has secrets, I can feel that but which cat doesn't?"


Snakepaw rolled his eyes before he batted at her ears playfully. "It's not my ego at stake, it's my reputation! Bleh think about how gross the clan would treat me if they thought I was a nice cat, I absolutely wouldn't't be able to exist anymore." He explained with silly dramatics.


Lostpaw shot a fast glare at Rabbitleap for making Brokenwing uncomfortable. He figured the new warrior didn't mean much by her gawking but he was quick to walk back outside the camp with Brokenwing, he didn't like spending much time in there anyways.


Canopypaw moved to Ravenpaw and nuzzled her head against her friend in comfort. "I understand, it's not cowardly at all, your feelings are the most important thing and you know you shouldn't have to watch actual kits being trained there." She paused in thought "Ravenpaw... why would they have interest in you? I mean I understand Wingpaw because of who his mother is... but why would they target you?" She wondered before she suddenly felt fear and panic shot through her. Could it be that Cloudfur was still going to the Dark Forest, were they trying to turn her friends against her as she was the last connection to Starclan or could Cloudfur just be doing this out of spite... it was irrational for Canopypaw to think Cloudfur had any part in this but the lingering fear of her mentor made her mind race to blame her.

Willowstar gave a small tired smile"I made sure I slipped away quietly, the clan is busy celebrating so I doubt eavesdroppers would even be able to hear us." She reassured as she finally sat down, curling her thin tail over her paws. "You should come out tomorrow, it's been long enough and the clan misses you. Besides I have an apprentice ceremony to do in two sunrises and I'd hate for you to miss another ceremony."
Gingersplash nodded. "I supposed you're right. I just have a strange feeling that she is hiding something big. Something very big." She shrugged, drawing her tongue over her ginger-and-white pelt. "Oh, well. She's a brilliant medicine cat, and that's all that matters. Maybe it's just StarClan that is throwing her off."


"Because your reputation is so important!" Silverkit purred, batting at his paws with sheathed claws. "Oh, because being a nice cat is such a horrid thing. What ever would they think?"


Brokenwing slipped past the Waterfall, glancing around, before trotting down the slope to the salmon. "Rabbitleap is annoying. I find it so hard to believe that her and Nettlepaw are related. I swear I've never seen siblings who are so different, and you, Snakepaw and Dustypaw exist, so that says a lot."


Ravenpaw drew her tongue gently over Canopypaw's ear, sighing. "I don't know. Maybe my father is a Dark Forest cat, or he at least trusts them. I don't exactly know who or where he is, so it's a good possibility." She murmured, pausing her grooming on Canopypaw to speak.
"Or maybe they're just recruiting whoever they can."


Nettlepaw, casually sorting dock leaves, listened closely to the cats talking. She drew her gaze from the herbs, no longer trying to hide the fact that she was listening, watching them intently.
StarClan, please, have mercy.
Stumbling over cracked, blood-stained paws, the silent prayer never left the tongue of the orange tabby, a broken and mangled soft, dove-gray she-cat held in his jaws.
Never leaving Ivypaw's side, Flamepaw stumbled into the camp, and set the broken body onto the leaf and needle littered ground.
A shriek shattered the harrowing silence, a white-pelted she-cat bursting from a den on the far side of camp, pine needles rising in her wake as she skidded to a halt beside her two siblings. "Dovepaw," the word left her tongue in a breathless whisper, her crystal eyes widened.
Then, she promptly lunged forward, nimble, shaking paws pressing to the torn throat. "No, no, no, Dovepaw...Flamepaw, help me!" She snapped her head up, staring at him with eyes brimming with tears, perturbation clear.
"She's dead." Flamepaw was startled to hear how blatant and austere his voice was. He watched, his sister recoiling even though she already knew the macabre truth.
"No," her tone was harsh, giving a hollow, disbelieving rasping laugh. Then she stopped, staring him dead in the eye, the agonizing look gone, instead replaced by a caliginous stare. "No, no, you're lying. Flamepaw..."
"I'm sorry, Frostpaw! I'm so, so sorry. I couldn't...she...she...killed her...before I could get there..." He swallowed harshly, swallowing back the inevitable sobs.
"Who?" She leaned before, her breath coming in quick gasps that edged on dry sobs.
That left him gaping, his heart pausing. Did he dare give away the truth of his sisters killer? He glanced up, briefly, catching the freezing stare of Rainstar. She sat, watching, cleaning her dirty paws with a nefarious grin plastered across her silver muzzle. "A Tribe cat," he whispered, drawing his gaze back to Frostpaw. "A Tribe cat killed her. I'm so, so sorry."
The transition between the deadly stare in her eye to agonizing realization was quicker then a blink of the eye. "But the Tribe cat's..." She broke off, burying her face in the soft pelt of their sister.
All he felt was guilt. He had lied to his own sister, yet, he couldn't bring himself to tell her it was Rainstar. He had seen just how easily the leader had torn his sister's throat without even pausing for a heartbeat. Without even showing a flicker of remorse; all because of Doveheart protecting a innocent Tribe kit. "Doveheart," he rasped. "Her name is Doveheart."
Frostpaw lifted her head. "What?"
"Leopardmoon named her. Doveheart." He leaned forward, and drew his tongue gently over Frostpaw's ear, before drawing back. "It's going to be alright, though. We...we have to keep going. For her."
He cast a swift glance as Ivypaw, and beckoned her with his tail, settling down beside Frostpaw. "It'll be fine," he voice broke as he spoke. "We'll be fine."
You can keep telling yourself that, but it's not the truth and you know it!
Hey ya'll, I've been gone for a million years but a few days ago this website came out and I got motivated to do this~


Anyways, if you don't see a cat on here, let me know (it's mostly just me, Cluck, and Sarah's cats because I know these cats get used so please only tell me if you have plans on using them!!!) I have to work with the whole Tribe thing, I did most of it but I didn't save so rip :') anyways the Seer is Leader, the Deputies are Tribe-Guards and the Warriors are Prey-Hunters, everything else is hopefully more self explanatory

(I swear I will reply sooooon, I'm just gonna put this here for now though!)
The sight of Hazelpaw's delighted face looming over him forced Crowpaw to return her grin, unable to dwell on the pessimistic things in life. "I'd love to." Swiftly, he rolled and jumped to his paws, quickly shaking his pelt. He took a few bounds across the moor, pausing a scenting the air. He glanced back at her, nodding his head to one side. "Let's try this way."
"A rabbit would be fun." Hazelpaw padded off to the left of him and took a brief glimpse where his gaze had landed. "Good terrain for them, too."
"A rabbit would be fun." Hazelpaw padded off to the left of him and took a brief glimpse where his gaze had landed. "Good terrain for them, too."
Crowpaw nodded, heading down the slope. "Yeah, we can try for a rabbit." He meowed, beckoning Hazelpaw with a flick of his tail. The air was cold despite the sun, and a breeze made it even colder.
But along with the breeze carried the scent of the moor. Heather, grass and...rabbit. He lifted his muzzle, guessing the rabbit wasn't to far away. "Hazelpaw," he murmured, twisting around to face the she-cat. "This way."
Crowpaw nodded, heading down the slope. "Yeah, we can try for a rabbit." He meowed, beckoning Hazelpaw with a flick of his tail. The air was cold despite the sun, and a breeze made it even colder.
But along with the breeze carried the scent of the moor. Heather, grass and...rabbit. He lifted his muzzle, guessing the rabbit wasn't to far away. "Hazelpaw," he murmured, twisting around to face the she-cat. "This way."
Hazelpaw dipped her head in a nod, then skirted around to the right, picking her steps carefully. She didn't slide into a gliding crouch until her own nostrils were flooded with the scent she sought. The rabbit had to be just over the slight rise ahead of them, and she figured that she'd be able to flush it back toward Crowpaw if she picked her moves right. Maybe we should've actually discussed a plan, though, haha.
Then she burst out of her crawl anyway and spun around the hill as fast as her paws could carry her.
Just as she'd hoped, she'd been able to cut her turn wide enough, and a blur of dull brown hurried up the hillside.
Hazelpaw dipped her head in a nod, then skirted around to the right, picking her steps carefully. She didn't slide into a gliding crouch until her own nostrils were flooded with the scent she sought. The rabbit had to be just over the slight rise ahead of them, and she figured that she'd be able to flush it back toward Crowpaw if she picked her moves right. Maybe we should've actually discussed a plan, though, haha.
Then she burst out of her crawl anyway and spun around the hill as fast as her paws could carry her.
Just as she'd hoped, she'd been able to cut her turn wide enough, and a blur of dull brown hurried up the hillside.
Crowpaw watched her movement's carefully, cursing himself for not bringing up a plan, but quickly realized what she was doing. He fell into a crouch, waiting, muscles bunched.
A flash of pale orange burst from the side of the hill, on the tail of a medium sized brown creature. All to quickly, though, the rabbit realized there was yet another cat laying in wait, and took a risk and whipped around, pelting down the hillside.
With no warning to Hazelpaw, he flung himself out from where he crouched, and hurled after the rabbit. He hadn't realized how thrilling it was to chase a rabbit, the wind whipping his pelt, paws thrumming the ground.
And he was gaining on the rabbit. Throwing himself forward with a leap, he prayed to StarClan he would catch the rabbit. He landed, claws grasping fur as he rolled to his feet, and his jaws clasping around the rabbits neck as the creature squirmed and gave a gasping shriek, and fell still.
Panting, he lifted his head. "I got it!"
Crowpaw watched her movement's carefully, cursing himself for not bringing up a plan, but quickly realized what she was doing. He fell into a crouch, waiting, muscles bunched.
A flash of pale orange burst from the side of the hill, on the tail of a medium sized brown creature. All to quickly, though, the rabbit realized there was yet another cat laying in wait, and took a risk and whipped around, pelting down the hillside.
With no warning to Hazelpaw, he flung himself out from where he crouched, and hurled after the rabbit. He hadn't realized how thrilling it was to chase a rabbit, the wind whipping his pelt, paws thrumming the ground.
And he was gaining on the rabbit. Throwing himself forward with a leap, he prayed to StarClan he would catch the rabbit. He landed, claws grasping fur as he rolled to his feet, and his jaws clasping around the rabbits neck as the creature squirmed and gave a gasping shriek, and fell still.
Panting, he lifted his head. "I got it!"
Hazelpaw stared after him, not exactly having been prepared for that turn of events. "Well," she laughed out, skipping contentedly through the grasses on her way over to him and his catch, "turns out you didn't really need me after all, did you, lightning-paws?"

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