~«Survival By War»~ (Warrior cat rp)

Hazelpaw stared after him, not exactly having been prepared for that turn of events. "Well," she laughed out, skipping contentedly through the grasses on her way over to him and his catch, "turns out you didn't really need me after all, did you, lightning-paws?"
"Lightning-paws?" Crowpaw purred, giving a small laugh as she approached him. He shook his pelt, glancing at the limp rabbit between his paws, before looking back at her with a small smile. "Nah, I needed your help. And, even if I didn't, the company was greatly appreciated."
"Lightning-paws?" Crowpaw purred, giving a small laugh as she approached him. He shook his pelt, glancing at the limp rabbit between his paws, before looking back at her with a small smile. "Nah, I needed your help. And, even if I didn't, the company was greatly appreciated."
"Oh, yeah, lightning-paws," Hazelpaw agreed, beaming fondly. She gave the rabbit an experimental poke for no exact reason. "How many of these do you think we -meaning you- can get before anyone else gets up?"
"Oh, yeah, lightning-paws," Hazelpaw agreed, beaming fondly. She gave the rabbit an experimental poke for no exact reason. "How many of these do you think we -meaning you- can get before anyone else gets up?"
"I don't know, the thing screeched so loudly it may have scared any others back to their burrows, but we can try," Crowpaw shrugged, smiling at the remark she snuck in. "Aw, come on. You can try to catch one, can't you?" He meowed, tilting his head. "Unless you aren't up for a challenge?"
"I don't know, the thing screeched so loudly it may have scared any others back to their burrows, but we can try," Crowpaw shrugged, smiling at the remark she snuck in. "Aw, come on. You can try to catch one, can't you?" He meowed, tilting his head. "Unless you aren't up for a challenge?"
"I mean, of course I'll try." Eyes aglow, Hazelpaw flung herself down into a crouch to demostrate her readiness. "But, being the tree cat I am, I'm not gonna beat you anytime soon."
Gingersplash nodded. "I supposed you're right. I just have a strange feeling that she is hiding something big. Something very big." She shrugged, drawing her tongue over her ginger-and-white pelt. "Oh, well. She's a brilliant medicine cat, and that's all that matters. Maybe it's just StarClan that is throwing her off."


"Because your reputation is so important!" Silverkit purred, batting at his paws with sheathed claws. "Oh, because being a nice cat is such a horrid thing. What ever would they think?"


Brokenwing slipped past the Waterfall, glancing around, before trotting down the slope to the salmon. "Rabbitleap is annoying. I find it so hard to believe that her and Nettlepaw are related. I swear I've never seen siblings who are so different, and you, Snakepaw and Dustypaw exist, so that says a lot."


Ravenpaw drew her tongue gently over Canopypaw's ear, sighing. "I don't know. Maybe my father is a Dark Forest cat, or he at least trusts them. I don't exactly know who or where he is, so it's a good possibility." She murmured, pausing her grooming on Canopypaw to speak.
"Or maybe they're just recruiting whoever they can."


Nettlepaw, casually sorting dock leaves, listened closely to the cats talking. She drew her gaze from the herbs, no longer trying to hide the fact that she was listening, watching them intently.

Dustypaw nodded his agreement towards Gingersplash's words, he had a feeling she may be right about Nettlepaw hiding something but the tom still believed the medicine cat apprentice only had the clan's best interest at heart. "Starclan seems to be throwing everyone off lately, Nettlepaw is just doing her best to cope in these times. She may be hiding something but a Starclan connection isn't the only important thing for a medicine cat to have."


"It is!" Snakepaw insisted. "If everyone thought I was nice then they'd never leave me alone, I'll end up like Dustypaw and no thanks!"


Lostpaw stayed at her side, his red pelt getting sprayed lightly from the mist the waterfall gave off. "Rabbitleap is rather bothersome but I wouldn't mind her much. Her sister is more agreeable though and I haven't even spoke to her much but that's because Nettlepaw minds her own business unlike her sister. Sometimes family just doesn't look related, doesn't make them any less of a family. I mean you and your sister aren't the same either but you care about each other still." Lostpaw spoke thoughtfully, he didn't speak his opinions often and he usually doesn't use so many words but he supposed it was because he was just a bit more comfortable with Brokenwing then most other cats.


"I doubt Fernshade would have been mates with anyone in league with the Dark Forest, she was such a kind cat." Canopypaw decided firmly, Fernshade had been like a mother to her before she died and she felt like she just couldn't have been mates with someone evil or even more so that someone in the Dark Forest could possibly be her best friend's father. Canopypaw sighed "Maybe they are just recruiting whoever they can but that just seems reckless you know?"


Willowstar shot a glance to Nettlepaw, she didn't show it but she felt unease from the medicine cat apprentice's gaze. She wondered how much the she-cat held against her for her choices with her mentor and even more wondered if she herself could ever fully convince Nettlepaw that it was all she could do.
"I mean, of course I'll try." Eyes aglow, Hazelpaw flung herself down into a crouch to demostrate her readiness. "But, being the tree cat I am, I'm not gonna beat you anytime soon."
"Worth a try, though, right?" Crowpaw glanced at her, unable to suppress a grin at the glow in her eyes and her readied stance. "Already then, birdie, why don't you give your rabbit-hunting skills a try?"
Dustypaw nodded his agreement towards Gingersplash's words, he had a feeling she may be right about Nettlepaw hiding something but the tom still believed the medicine cat apprentice only had the clan's best interest at heart. "Starclan seems to be throwing everyone off lately, Nettlepaw is just doing her best to cope in these times. She may be hiding something but a Starclan connection isn't the only important thing for a medicine cat to have."


"It is!" Snakepaw insisted. "If everyone thought I was nice then they'd never leave me alone, I'll end up like Dustypaw and no thanks!"


Lostpaw stayed at her side, his red pelt getting sprayed lightly from the mist the waterfall gave off. "Rabbitleap is rather bothersome but I wouldn't mind her much. Her sister is more agreeable though and I haven't even spoke to her much but that's because Nettlepaw minds her own business unlike her sister. Sometimes family just doesn't look related, doesn't make them any less of a family. I mean you and your sister aren't the same either but you care about each other still." Lostpaw spoke thoughtfully, he didn't speak his opinions often and he usually doesn't use so many words but he supposed it was because he was just a bit more comfortable with Brokenwing then most other cats.


"I doubt Fernshade would have been mates with anyone in league with the Dark Forest, she was such a kind cat." Canopypaw decided firmly, Fernshade had been like a mother to her before she died and she felt like she just couldn't have been mates with someone evil or even more so that someone in the Dark Forest could possibly be her best friend's father. Canopypaw sighed "Maybe they are just recruiting whoever they can but that just seems reckless you know?"


Willowstar shot a glance to Nettlepaw, she didn't show it but she felt unease from the medicine cat apprentice's gaze. She wondered how much the she-cat held against her for her choices with her mentor and even more wondered if she herself could ever fully convince Nettlepaw that it was all she could do.
Gingersplash shrugged. "Yeah. I dunno, maybe she's just tired. Anyway, Imma go find Rabbitleap. See you later, yeah?"


Silverkit purred, eyes glimmering. "Dustypaw is a nice cat. There would be no harm in being nice like him." She shrugged, ears pricking as she heard her mother's voice from the other side of the clearing. Her shoulders sagged, ears flattening, as she let out a sharp sigh. "What are the chances that she'll come look for me if I ignore her?"


"I suppose Gingersplash is much different then me." Brokenwing murmured, snatching one end of the salmon as they approached it in her jaws. "Funny how so many of the siblings in this clan are so different. Like fire and water...in exception for Wolfkit, Silverkit and Brightkit. They aren't so drastic in personality." She meowed, mumbling in attempt to speak around the fish.


"It does seem reckless. It wouldn't make sense, either. I mean, I would think cats long dead would be smarter then that, don't you?" Ravenpaw cocked her head, her large, sharp ears flicking back and forth. Her head snapped around, eyes large, as the vine and bramble screen parted, Wingpaw slipping into the den. "Thought I'd find you two here. Nightflower wants me on a hunting patrol soon, but I wanted to see you guys quickly before I left. Anything new?"


Nettlepaw was unfazed by the sharp glance the leader shot at her. Her mind was working quickly, to quickly almost. Willowstar was her leader, and was only trying to protect both Hawkclaw and Ashstripe, and for that Nettlepaw admired her, for any other leader may have cast them out, or ripped them of their positions. Yet, in the back of her mind, she couldn't shove down the ever growing dislike for the leader. To rip a mother from her kits...Nettlepaw shook her head ever so slightly. It was unthinkable.
But, then again. What else could they do, leave Ashstripe to raise the kits, and do what? Tell the clan, and make Ashstripe out as a code-breaker? Cast the kits out once they were old enough and leave them alone?
What was one to do, when faced with such a situation?
Gingersplash shrugged. "Yeah. I dunno, maybe she's just tired. Anyway, Imma go find Rabbitleap. See you later, yeah?"


Silverkit purred, eyes glimmering. "Dustypaw is a nice cat. There would be no harm in being nice like him." She shrugged, ears pricking as she heard her mother's voice from the other side of the clearing. Her shoulders sagged, ears flattening, as she let out a sharp sigh. "What are the chances that she'll come look for me if I ignore her?"


"I suppose Gingersplash is much different then me." Brokenwing murmured, snatching one end of the salmon as they approached it in her jaws. "Funny how so many of the siblings in this clan are so different. Like fire and water...in exception for Wolfkit, Silverkit and Brightkit. They aren't so drastic in personality." She meowed, mumbling in attempt to speak around the fish.


"It does seem reckless. It wouldn't make sense, either. I mean, I would think cats long dead would be smarter then that, don't you?" Ravenpaw cocked her head, her large, sharp ears flicking back and forth. Her head snapped around, eyes large, as the vine and bramble screen parted, Wingpaw slipping into the den. "Thought I'd find you two here. Nightflower wants me on a hunting patrol soon, but I wanted to see you guys quickly before I left. Anything new?"


Nettlepaw was unfazed by the sharp glance the leader shot at her. Her mind was working quickly, to quickly almost. Willowstar was her leader, and was only trying to protect both Hawkclaw and Ashstripe, and for that Nettlepaw admired her, for any other leader may have cast them out, or ripped them of their positions. Yet, in the back of her mind, she couldn't shove down the ever growing dislike for the leader. To rip a mother from her kits...Nettlepaw shook her head ever so slightly. It was unthinkable.
But, then again. What else could they do, leave Ashstripe to raise the kits, and do what? Tell the clan, and make Ashstripe out as a code-breaker? Cast the kits out once they were old enough and leave them alone?
What was one to do, when faced with such a situation?

"I wouldn't dwell on it much... well anyways, tell Rabbitleap I said congrats on her name when you find her, I doubt I'll be able to till the clan's died down." Dustypaw stood and flicked his tail in farewell, he didn't really have anywhere else to be and he knew that his mentor wouldn't tell him to do anything so he decided to slip away to the mossy quiet ledges towards the top of the cave entrance, smiling softly as he watched the clan move in and out of each other and catching Gingersplash find Rabbitleap from the corner of his eye, he sighed as he forced his eyes to focus on something other then the ginger and white she-cat.


Snakepaw rolled his eyes "Dustypaw is too nice and boring, he tries too hard to be some clean cut warrior but he's just an anxious apprentice who doesn't know what he's doing." He spat a bit cruelly, he didn't hate his brother but Snakepaw was sure to distance himself from him when he started training in the Dark Forest. He watched Silverkit's annoyance at her mother and he wondered if she'd do the same thing to her kin that he'd done with his. He forced his mind away from that and looked towards Amberpool's calling meow. "You better run along to her, you'll only be with her two more days anyways and she probably just wants to spend time with her kits before they're apprenticed. Why don't you go celebrate with your family and leave me to myself."


Lostpaw tilted his head and thought about the three kits, he didn't know much of anything about them from his lacking time in camp but he could see how they'd be compared to the other siblings in the clan. "I suppose you're right, maybe they're change as they get older... till then, it's nice to see more balanced kin, hopefully they'll get along forever." He said with almost a wistful sigh, he was still kinda close to Dustypaw as his brother wouldn't leave him alone but after his falling out with Snakepaw, he'd witnessed just how easy kin could separate.


"They know Starclan can't do anything to stop them so who knows... maybe they are just doing as they please." Canopypaw replied before her attention was also snapped towards the intruder... well Wingpaw wasn't much of an intruder and the medicine cat apprentice smiled at the tom's seemingly nonchalant entrance. "Nothing new here Wingpaw, we're just discussing a dream Ravenpaw had and the Dark Forest. The same as always I guess. I would go into more detail but something tells me you'd be late to your patrol." She said with friendly amusement, leave it to Wingpaw to hunt them down and risk being late to a patrol just for a quick chat.


Willowstar turned her icy gaze back to Ashstripe but the thought of the apprentice still lingered. Nettlepaw could hate her for all she cared but Willowstar couldn't allow it to effect her decisions. This was her plan and she would stay firm no matter what everyone felt about it. A leader does what's best for her clan mates and this was what's best for Hawkclaw and Ashstripe and most importantly their kits. Willowstar for a moment wondered in her gut if these secrets were for the best of her clan... or if they were best for her friends. No that couldn't be it, how could taking Ashstripe's kits do her any good. It was a grey area Willowstar decided she couldn't dwell in, she'd push through this whole thing, after all it's what she does best.
"I wouldn't dwell on it much... well anyways, tell Rabbitleap I said congrats on her name when you find her, I doubt I'll be able to till the clan's died down." Dustypaw stood and flicked his tail in farewell, he didn't really have anywhere else to be and he knew that his mentor wouldn't tell him to do anything so he decided to slip away to the mossy quiet ledges towards the top of the cave entrance, smiling softly as he watched the clan move in and out of each other and catching Gingersplash find Rabbitleap from the corner of his eye, he sighed as he forced his eyes to focus on something other then the ginger and white she-cat.


Snakepaw rolled his eyes "Dustypaw is too nice and boring, he tries too hard to be some clean cut warrior but he's just an anxious apprentice who doesn't know what he's doing." He spat a bit cruelly, he didn't hate his brother but Snakepaw was sure to distance himself from him when he started training in the Dark Forest. He watched Silverkit's annoyance at her mother and he wondered if she'd do the same thing to her kin that he'd done with his. He forced his mind away from that and looked towards Amberpool's calling meow. "You better run along to her, you'll only be with her two more days anyways and she probably just wants to spend time with her kits before they're apprenticed. Why don't you go celebrate with your family and leave me to myself."


Lostpaw tilted his head and thought about the three kits, he didn't know much of anything about them from his lacking time in camp but he could see how they'd be compared to the other siblings in the clan. "I suppose you're right, maybe they're change as they get older... till then, it's nice to see more balanced kin, hopefully they'll get along forever." He said with almost a wistful sigh, he was still kinda close to Dustypaw as his brother wouldn't leave him alone but after his falling out with Snakepaw, he'd witnessed just how easy kin could separate.


"They know Starclan can't do anything to stop them so who knows... maybe they are just doing as they please." Canopypaw replied before her attention was also snapped towards the intruder... well Wingpaw wasn't much of an intruder and the medicine cat apprentice smiled at the tom's seemingly nonchalant entrance. "Nothing new here Wingpaw, we're just discussing a dream Ravenpaw had and the Dark Forest. The same as always I guess. I would go into more detail but something tells me you'd be late to your patrol." She said with friendly amusement, leave it to Wingpaw to hunt them down and risk being late to a patrol just for a quick chat.


Willowstar turned her icy gaze back to Ashstripe but the thought of the apprentice still lingered. Nettlepaw could hate her for all she cared but Willowstar couldn't allow it to effect her decisions. This was her plan and she would stay firm no matter what everyone felt about it. A leader does what's best for her clan mates and this was what's best for Hawkclaw and Ashstripe and most importantly their kits. Willowstar for a moment wondered in her gut if these secrets were for the best of her clan... or if they were best for her friends. No that couldn't be it, how could taking Ashstripe's kits do her any good. It was a grey area Willowstar decided she couldn't dwell in, she'd push through this whole thing, after all it's what she does best.
"But Wolfkit, Brightkit and Amberpool are boring! Wolfkit and Brightkit only want to play moss-ball or some stupid game like that. But I want to train and hunt, like a real warrior!" The she-cat's voice rose in volume, before she realized cats turning heads, so she dropped her head lower. "It's not fair! I'm seven moons old!"


Not wanting to drop the fish, Brokenwing brushed her tail lightly over the tom's back, before withdrawing. "Come on," she murmured softly. "Let's get this back to camp."


Wingpaw huffed, flicking his tail. "Patrol's can wait," he meowed, glancing at Ravenpaw. "You've had a dream about the Dark Forest?"
Ravenpaw saw his tail twitch nervously, his leaf-green gaze flicking from her to Canopypaw. She gave a soft murmur of confirmation, picking at a piece of moss with her claw. "Yeah, yeah...I did."
She didn't see the defeat in him, rather she heard it. She didn't need to see him to know he sighed, to know his ears probably flattened slightly. She looked up, and he shook his head, lifting it. "Well, we'll figure it out. It'll be fine. I'll see you both later, yeah? Nightflower'll claw my ears off if I don't meet up with her soon."
"But Wolfkit, Brightkit and Amberpool are boring! Wolfkit and Brightkit only want to play moss-ball or some stupid game like that. But I want to train and hunt, like a real warrior!" The she-cat's voice rose in volume, before she realized cats turning heads, so she dropped her head lower. "It's not fair! I'm seven moons old!"


Not wanting to drop the fish, Brokenwing brushed her tail lightly over the tom's back, before withdrawing. "Come on," she murmured softly. "Let's get this back to camp."


Wingpaw huffed, flicking his tail. "Patrol's can wait," he meowed, glancing at Ravenpaw. "You've had a dream about the Dark Forest?"
Ravenpaw saw his tail twitch nervously, his leaf-green gaze flicking from her to Canopypaw. She gave a soft murmur of confirmation, picking at a piece of moss with her claw. "Yeah, yeah...I did."
She didn't see the defeat in him, rather she heard it. She didn't need to see him to know he sighed, to know his ears probably flattened slightly. She looked up, and he shook his head, lifting it. "Well, we'll figure it out. It'll be fine. I'll see you both later, yeah? Nightflower'll claw my ears off if I don't meet up with her soon."

Snakepaw glanced around as all the nearby cats turned their gazes away from Silverkit's outburst before he nudged her shoulder with a paw. "Hey, they're just enjoying their kit hood. It's probably better than losing their minds over not being apprenticed. And hey remember that you only have two sunrises till you'll be apprenticed then I'm sure who ever mentors you will have to catch you up on that lost time." Snakepaw then stood up and flicked Silverkit with his tail. "Come on, let's get you to Amberpool before she storms the camp looking for you."


Lostpaw nodded. "Right, I wouldn't be surprised if the clan has eaten everything else inside so this salmon should get you some attention." He walked besides her again but he kept his eyes down on the pathway in front of him, staying his usual silent self the whole way back to the entrance of camp.


Canopypaw gave her chest a quick few licks as her friends exchanged in conversation, her ears were pricked to show she was listening. "Wingpaw's right, we can figure this all out but until we do we should be sure to keep up with our duties." She paused and shot a smile towards Wingpaw "If you live being late to that patrol of yours, you should hunt us a squirrel, I haven't had one in forever!" She meowed playfully and with a bit of exaggeration. The clan had been hunting mainly birds though, which was usual but with the colder seasons approaching Canopypaw figured now was the time to be snatching up the squirrels that shared the tree tops with Cloudclan.

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