◇DiamondSwan's Phenomenal Chat Thread!◇

Sooo... we got eggs (for food) from this guy, right? He had roosters mixed in with the hens. Poppy has been broody for a few weeks now... (see where I'm going with this?) so my mom was saying we should pull the brooder out, and see if they would hatch. I had an idea to put them under Poppy. So we put three eggs under her just now. I'm trying to stay un-excited, cause they probably won't hatch, and if they do they'll probably be boys & we'll have to rehome them. But they could hatch, and they could be girls! :celebrate
Just scrolling through YouTube and found this video…
the video isn’t important but the comments are…find this comment and read through alllllll the replies. I think you’ll agree with my comments at the end and with the tortoise person.
Lotsa, lotsa pics. 'Cause pictures cheer you up. 'Cause pictures are...cool! :D :cool:

(Horses aren't mine, by the way). :(

:D :frow

Thinking of you everyday,
Thanking God for showing me the way.
I'm lost without you all.
This is the last call.
I'll be takin' to the skies soon,
With Him
I hope to see you there.

(Sorry that was random and doesn't really make sense! Lol.) :p :)
Cp if there is one person who has meant the most to me it is you!!! We never did well with keeping up on each other, we don't talk often, We are so different in so many ways, but yet it was you that inspired me to keep pushing, moving forward! If you didn't know how much you have meant to me you do now!
I'm actually tearing up. ;-; I'm happy, and surprised that I could have inspired you in some way. ^_^

I really do wish we could have talked more- I enjoyed our conversations so much! Anytime you stop by BYC, feel free to PM me or leave a comment on my profile! =)
And I hope you continue to move forward, and that you also find out what's causing you those migraines!! ^-^

:) - eventually. I am staying switched to Rose Quartz though.
Okay, cool. =)
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@Fanci Feathers Marans @MissNutmeg @Abriana @FrankieDoodle @TamingMaster @chickencheeper @RiverStorm @MysticChickens04 @TamingMaster @LittleBrownie @ChickenCowboy02 @PeepersMama @Rose Quartz [USER=360438] [USER=476035]@Flufferes @CP Chicken @ViolinPlayer123 @tastyacres

So some stuff happened and some people's feelings got hurt. Sometimes it's hard to know what someone really means because you can't see their expressions like you would in person. I think that if everyone took a step back and tries to be a little more careful with their words, things will be more peaceful. And we have to remember that some people are more sensitive than others and have different views/opinions about things (that shouldn't be argued over or challenged here), and sometimes jokes are taken the wrong way. People might seem rude when they're defending themselves or an opinion.

I understand why some of you don't want to come back, but you will always be welcome. :) And I could really use some help making sure that everyone is being kind and fair by being a good example. I think that if there's any rudeness or fighting, everyone should say nothing and it should be reported to me or an admin quitely.

I'm sorry that I haven't been here much to help resolve things (I have limited BYC time). I really wish I was here to help more.

From now on let's just have fun, guys. Nothing else. ;)

And BTW, thanks for participating. I really appreciate it. :)[/USER][/USER]
I plan to stay at the swan pond no matter what my frien. :hugs

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