◇DiamondSwan's Phenomenal Chat Thread!◇


is he getting a check-up?

Actually, he had multiple bite wounds on his face from some wild animal that caused an infected abscess. The same thing happened 3 months ago only it was a snake bite... -_-
But they took care of it, and he should be healed up in a few weeks. :)

I wasn't getting notifications for thisssss.

No lie, my room is about as big as inside your closet, and I share it with two small children. In fact, your room is probably as big as my second floor. XD XD

Yeah, I feel spoiled. :3 Although I've only had my own room for about 3 weeks... I've had to share a room with my slobby sisters my entire 18 years. :lol:


n e a t


It tiz. :3 I'm minimalist and tidy as you can see. :D

Wellllllllllll........ *waves mop around*
Sorta. I'm wild on the go-kart (last time the brakes failed I crashed into the house, you'd better pray we don't live anywhere near each other because you don't wanna drive on the smae roads I'm driving on >:3) but with the car I'm pretty good. Although sometimes I quick press the pedal to the floor to go fast for like a surge and then put on the brake. But I will be careful driving on the road :3

*breaks the silence*

What is this thing with the mop that's been going on for like a week?? :lol:

And I'm also a crazy go-kart driver. I like to purposely freak my brother out. He says, "Geez, Dest, you're pulling G's!!!" *drifts the back wheels over the ditch while laughing like a maniac*

I actually did that and gained control back on the dirt road. :lol:

But the stupid thing keeps breaking... Sometimes I wonder why. :p
Actually, he had multiple bite wounds on his face from some wild animal that caused an infected abscess. The same thing happened 3 months ago only it was a snake bite... -_-
But they took care of it, and he should be healed up in a few weeks. :)

Yeah, I feel spoiled. :3 Although I've only had my own room for about 3 weeks... I've had to share a room with my slobby sisters my entire 18 years. :lol:

It tiz. :3 I'm minimalist and tidy as you can see. :D

*breaks the silence*

What is this thing with the mop that's been going on for like a week?? :lol:

And I'm also a crazy go-kart driver. I like to purposely freak my brother out. He says, "Geez, Dest, you're pulling G's!!!" *drifts the back wheels over the ditch while laughing like a maniac*

I actually did that and gained control back on the dirt road. :lol:

But the stupid thing keeps breaking... Sometimes I wonder why. :p
I have know idea *smiles strangely at mop*

Ooh!! We must get together for some go-kart driving sometime >:3
*complimens you and the mop* You guys are such a cute couple. :3

Oh, boi. We'd be so crazy if we tried to race each other... *pictures major accident* XD
Aw thank you :3 yes we are aren't we? :lol:

Oh yes, we definitely need to do some go-kart racing. On our go-kart, the breaks kept breaking and I crashed into the house one day.
Aw thank you :3 yes we are aren't we? :lol:

Oh yes, we definitely need to do some go-kart racing. On our go-kart, the breaks kept breaking and I crashed into the house one day.
So when's the big day, and how many mopids do you plan to have? :p

We should. :D
Ooooh. 0-0 The breaks on ours don't even work, so it's a very dangerous racing machine. :lol:
So when's the big day, and how many mopids do you plan to have? :p

We should. :D
Ooooh. 0-0 The breaks on ours don't even work, so it's a very dangerous racing machine. :lol:
LOL oh lots

Oh MAI. How dangerous. We'd never be allowed to drive a brakeless motorized vehicle! I'm quite the racecar driver. I have one speed: pedal to the floor.
Well, at least your house will be clean! :plbb

Haha, yup. :p Same here, girl. I don't even let off the pedal for the turns. :D
Yep! lol

Oh yep we'd make a dangerous racing pair. Dad put a new motor in it so you have to slow down (goes way too fast now!!) around turns or you'll fly out or it'll tip or something.
Yep! lol

Oh yep we'd make a dangerous racing pair. Dad put a new motor in it so you have to slow down (goes way too fast now!!) around turns or you'll fly out or it'll tip or something.
You'd have your own mop/human army. :lol:

Totally. :p Ooooh, even more fun. Ours is just a Walmart one, but you can turn up the speed notch a bit. But it keeps breaking. A tire fell off, we fixed it. The breaks broke. Then the other tire fell off which is still broke. -_-

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