11 month old Easter Egger FINALLY lays!!

No, she wasn't squatting or anything. In fact, out of all the girls she was the least personable; I could barely touch her, she ran away when I came in the coop or run and was very skiddish about eating out of my hand.

Now that she has laid, she squats on a dime as soon as my hand goes out! Also, her comb and waddles are definetly redder than before and she follows me around the run!

This whole change happened within 1-2 days!
That is the most beautiful blue I've ever seen on an egg! WOW! Ok..Silly question...I have one EE and the rest are RIR's..When the EE's start laying, say you get a blue one, will they always be blue? If one lays a green egg, will she always lay green?
Thank You!

Yes, you have it correct. I had the same question, concerning the colors. If they are laying blue, they will always be blue eggs....same with olive green/green/brown/white etc. Now, 2 different EE's can lay 2 different colors. Oh, and sometimes as they get older the color will mute or soften a bit, I'm told.


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