12 chick minimums at the feed store


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
North East
This I thought was interesting. In New Hampshire it is illegal for the feed store to sell less then 12 chicks to a customer. (I have not seen the law so am guessing it applies to all commercial sales) The feed store guy said they started enforcing it last year but the law has been around longer. He told me that it was to prevent people buying the 1 chick for Easter for the kids kind of thing. He said if I had an existing flock he can bend the rules and sell me 3+ but it would all have to be explained on the paperwork. The 12 minimum seems a bit extreme to me. So many people are getting into chickens and only want a few. And another feed store is selling coops for 6 chickens.
sounds like an odd law to me.
Odd, so many cities don't allow 12 chickens. But could be better in some situations.

I think if I wanted chicks, I'd buy 12 then forget about 9 of them when I left the store.

I never heard of such a law.. I can understand the concern,,,,but to make a law?

what is to prevent 12 people from going together and split the order??

Is there another law about that??

I do think that's very interesting as well. I am all for stopping people from buying a dyed-pink or green chick for easter and then discarding it or raising it poorly and alone because they didn't really want it or know what to do with it. On the other hand... 12 chick minimum will just cause 12 families to go in on it together, if they are that determined. In the same vain, luckily, people can split orders. That's what I did with my 26 chick order from MM - posted on Craigslist to find someone to split it and within 12 hours, I had to start turning people away. So, if you want 3 or 6 in your yard, I'm sure someone else will share the other six with you.
6 chick minimum in Ohio. I think it is to keep people from buying just one or two for their kiddos and then getting bored with it!
My feed store also enforces that law, but I stumbled across a feed store in NH that does not. I go to that one to get a "chick fix". LOL
Good luck trying to talk 11 of your best friends into buying just one chick!!! My friends are all half citified and think it is crazy to have chickens in the first place!! And all my friends live out in the country!

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