2 Day old chicks with lice!


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
I recently started another thread about a Serama chick that may not be able to see. He's also very weak so I've been giving him Nutri-drench daily. This morning when I brought him in to give him some Nutri-Drench, I watched a louse crawl over his head! It was to fast to grab and squish, but it probably means the rest of them have them as well. How do I treat 2 day old chicks for lice? Usually I would put the chicken in a bag with some Permethrin powder, and when they flap their wings the dust fly's all over them. I can't do that with young chicks.
I don't have any spray because the feed store only sells the Durvet Permethrin which is mixed with Petroleum Distillates. I'll treat Sunny, (momma hen) by rubbing the the powder into her feathers since I don't want to take her to far from her babies. Any safe ideas for treating young chicks? I need to get those bugs off of Rusty, (weak chick) ASAP. Thank you!
You would want to gently rub some of the dust into the chicks too.
After you dust Mama and chicks, place them somewhere for a bit until you can clean out nesting material/housing, treat the area and replace all with fresh bedding, etc.
I did clean out all the bedding etc. before I put them in there, but I guess I didn't do good enough. I'll setup somewhere to separate them until I can clean everything out and dust everyone. Thank you! I hope I can rid them of the lice soon!
I did clean out all the bedding etc. before I put them in there, but I guess I didn't do good enough. I'll setup somewhere to separate them until I can clean everything out and dust everyone. Thank you! I hope I can rid them of the lice soon!
Try hard. Lice/mites are not going to be good for fragile Serama chicks like that.
Try hard. Lice/mites are not going to be good for fragile Serama chicks like that.
I just cleaned out every oz of bedding from their coop. I don't have a large enough separate area for them long term, so I did a light dust of Permethrin on the new bedding, and dusted mom and babies good.
I know, Rusty is already showing how hard it is on them. I feel so bad for the poor babies. :( How often should I dust them?
I just cleaned out every oz of bedding from their coop. I don't have a large enough separate area for them long term, so I did a light dust of Permethrin on the new bedding, and dusted mom and babies good.
I know, Rusty is already showing how hard it is on them. I feel so bad for the poor babies. :( How often should I dust them?
Every 7 days or so.
You may want to check them again in the morning to see if there's any crawling bugs. If so, clean the housing back out and re-treat that.

Did you dust under Mama's wings and her belly, around her vent good?
Every 7 days or so.
You may want to check them again in the morning to see if there's any crawling bugs. If so, clean the housing back out and re-treat that.

Did you dust under Mama's wings and her belly, around her vent good?
I did my best, she started getting stressed out because she couldn't see her babies, so I think I'll go out and dust her again before tonight. I was able to get her back, vent and under wings pretty good, but probably not good enough.
I'll check them in the morning for sure. Poor guys,
Just went and re-dusted everyone to make sure I did a good enough job. I actually ended up flipping momma on her back so I could through dust her belly, vent and wings. She was incredibly tolerant which took my by surprise. She did flap her wings a few times which was actually rather helpful. I was able to spread her feathers, and the dust coated her skin while she flapped her wings. When I pulled her feathers back her skin was white.
I re-dusted the babies as well, and the ground around the nesting area. I mixed it into the shavings though so that the dust won't easily become air born when they walk or scratch.

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