2015 New York Chickenstock

Thanks guys... I figured it would be just as easy to google it as post it here and here I would get better info... lol. Which I did. Not sure we can make it, but I would love to. Depends on if I find a job or not. We are down to $800/month for income and it is one heck of a stretch of the dollar to get my hubby to work and get certain bills paid. if I find work, then all is right with the world. Lol.

Well now I know it's none of my business, but if there are medical bills just send what you can. I send $5 till things get better. We don't have large bills but more than a few. I'll be praying for your situation.
Hi all, I am new to the area & hope to attend. How many oeople usually come? Wondering how much of 'whatever' to bring for potluck. Thanx!

Welcome ! Are you now in New york State ?
It varies from year to year how many come..this year may be 50 to 75 people ...with some littles coming also .
maybe a medium size dish ?
Is anyone keeping track of the food to bring ? or is it a random bring what you want .?
Well now I know it's none of my business, but if there are medical bills just send what you can. I send $5 till things get better. We don't have large bills but more than a few. I'll be praying for your situation.  
Thank you, I don't know why I spilled that information, a moment of frustrated venting I suppose, but I made it your business... so thank you, I appreciate the advice and care.
Venting is allowed.

DW has to see another doctor and that will mean another bill.
AND I got a $40 parking ticket today.
We hoarded some eggs last week and fired up the incubator on saturday. I've been getting maybe 7 eggs a day. I am ready for warmer weather.
You and me both!

I've got a second batch in and it doesn't look like the C. Rocks are fertile. I've seen the rooster dancing with the girls. I've got three in there. The ee's and dels seem okay. Though some look like they quit.

I've started marking which coop the came from.

I'll have to rescind my offer of a C. Rock rooster till I get some chicks out of these guys.

The marans have got me worried too. I haven't seen any fertile eggs there either.

I've been in contact with Jody about going to PA for Lavender Orps. Do you still have yours?

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