2015 New York Chickenstock

I was hoping to have guinea eggs to bring, but I had no idea where the little noise makers have been laying until my husband ran over their nest with the tractor... oops.

I think I asked before, but does anyone have golden cuckoo marans they will be selling?

I would love to find some guineas!! Know anyone bringing any or where to find any? Thanks!!
I hope those who are bringing perennials are bringing some extras. I have orders for some plants and some chicks however depending on how much I can fit in my Ford hatchback I will be buying more.I just don't want to order a whole bunch and not be able to fit it in there.

I also need to talk to Nutty about organic feeds and such. I am a first time chicken mom and really don't know how much I need to buy or what to buy...

Yes I would like some EASTER EGGER PULLETS with beard and cheeks if there are any to be had. It would be horrific to send up with a Roo, because there is ZERO tolerance for Roos in Rome, N.Y...and it would be "off with his head" as soon has he had a "neighbor audible" crow.

Is anyone else bringing meats??? Because I doubt 1 package of 3lb wieners and a box of 20ish premade burger patties is going to be enough.
Are there going to be food vendors there? What about all the people that are coming that aren't part of BYC and how do you tell them apart?
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I hope those who are bringing perennials are bringing some extras. I have orders for some plants and some chicks however depending on how much I can fit in my Ford hatchback I will be buying more.I just don't want to order a whole bunch and not be able to fit it in there.

I also need to talk to Nutty about organic feeds and such. I am a first time chicken mom and really don't know how much I need to buy or what to buy...

Yes I would like some EASTER EGGER PULLETS with beard and cheeks if there are any to be had. It would be horrific to send up with a Roo, because there is ZERO tolerance for Roos in Rome, N.Y...and it would be "off with his head" as soon has he had a "neighbor audible" crow.

Is anyone else bringing meats??? Because I doubt 1 package of 3lb wieners and a box of 20ish premade burger patties is going to be enough.
Are there going to be food vendors there? What about all the people that are coming that aren't part of BYC and how do you tell them apart?
I know that there are some others that are bringing hamburgers and hotdogs I am bringing a bunch of rolls, maybe like 10 each? I hope that will be enough along with the condiments.

Gramma has buttons and stickers from BYC that we can wear/display so that we know who "we" are...but then again we will be the coolest peeps there
Pharm, I would be interested in a dozen silkie eggs if you are bringing them, your birds are stunning! I might enter Einstein and Witchypants in the show I'm taking my ducks to this year, just for fun and to see how they do.

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