2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

My 3 chicks will be 4 weeks old on Thursday. Last night they almost met their maker. Incessant LOUD crying. I couldn't fall asleep. I finally opened my eyes at 10:45. They were screaming. I thought they would tire out and go to bed. By 11:15, I couldn't take it anymore! I have a baby so I'm up and down all night and really need to sleep when the baby does. I got up and moved them to a small cage in a back bedroom. Put a light on them, put a fluffy blanket in with them and closed the door. They are even crying right now because I'm in the other room. When do they grow out of this???
My 3 chicks will be 4 weeks old on Thursday. Last night they almost met their maker. Incessant LOUD crying. I couldn't fall asleep. I finally opened my eyes at 10:45. They were screaming. I thought they would tire out and go to bed. By 11:15, I couldn't take it anymore! I have a baby so I'm up and down all night and really need to sleep when the baby does. I got up and moved them to a small cage in a back bedroom. Put a light on them, put a fluffy blanket in with them and closed the door. They are even crying right now because I'm in the other room. When do they grow out of this???

Having brooder mates I'm surprised they are not more calm. Is it just 1 of the 3? I've found if it is theirs something wrong with it. Usually not making it after a week at most. Also check your brooder temps. Should be 95 F for them at their height. Are they panting = Too warm.

Try putting a stuffed animal in with them that's big enough they can all snuggle under or around. They are very needy chicks when it comes to companionship.

Sorry just realized you said they're 4 wks old. Obviously temps should be about 75-80F. Still stuffed animal may be the ticket.
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Thank you. I thought they would start to grow out of the crying. There is one that is a little more needy then the others. But all 3 of them pace the cage and cry if there are no humans in the room that they can see. I even tried leaving the TV on but that hasn't worked. I am going to try the stuffed animal!
Also I just let them out of the brooder to stretch their wings a little and I noticed one's middle toe is crooked. It wasn't like that before. They are almost 4 weeks old. Did it get hurt?? How can I fix it?
Turn off the light. They will be asleep in 5 minutes and quiet until morning. It won't help you during the day though, if anything they will be louder after a good night's sleep!
Its too late to fix it, sometimes they have little curve when they are young and it will be hard to notice, but then it will get worse while they grow up.

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