2017 Gosling Hatch a long!!

Oh I love English Orpingtons! I tried to hatch some once but that was with my old incubator and it was rubbish! Not one hatched. It's great if you have a considerate postal service tho, I'm not sure I'd trust ours like that! I've always driven to collect eggs or hatched our own. But then I'm a bit of a control freak like that!
It's so lovely your daughter is into hatching too!! At least she shares your interest. My family call me Mother Hen and take the Mickey out of me! I involve my girls but they are all a bit little really (13, 7, 3 & 1). They love the baby chicks tho!
Just candled. Of the seven eggs, one looks like it's done nothing, one (the one with the side aircell) looks like it's quit cos there's a tiny blood ring I think.Theres growth in all the others. So that's 5 out of 7 ok so far! I've left the others in and will double check at 10 days before I chuck them.
Weight wise they've lost 8g each and should have lost between 6.4 and 7.5g in one week so I'm keeping the humidity the same I think,at around 40%. I think dry incubating would be too dry.
So far so good....!:fl
Hows things your end? What day are you on? Did your temperature and humidity stabilise ok?
Yes! Thursday night just before I went to bed, it finally came up to temperature. It ended up taking about 6 hours to do so, but both humidity and temp has stayed stable since.

I started turning last night before bed. Going to keep up 3x a day.

We are only at 48 hours in. I'll wait until Thursday to candle (if I can!) I have a super high powered flashlight that I can usually see growth around day 3, but I'll attempt to be patient

Congratulations on 5 out of 7! Hopefully it's a good 100% hatch rate and the 5 keep growing.

I didn't weigh my eggs before starting. Perhaps I should have but I don't want to mess with them now so I suppose we will be flying by the seat of our pants on this hatch. Lol
Yes! Thursday night just before I went to bed, it finally came up to temperature. It ended up taking about 6 hours to do so, but both humidity and temp has stayed stable since.

I started turning last night before bed. Going to keep up 3x a day.

We are only at 48 hours in. I'll wait until Thursday to candle (if I can!) I have a super high powered flashlight that I can usually see growth around day 3, but I'll attempt to be patient

Congratulations on 5 out of 7! Hopefully it's a good 100% hatch rate and the 5 keep growing.

I didn't weigh my eggs before starting. Perhaps I should have but I don't want to mess with them now so I suppose we will be flying by the seat of our pants on this hatch. Lol
Oh I'm glad your temperature and humidity started behaving! I find it so hard not to meddle with settings sometimes I have to literally sit on my hands!:lol:
I don't normally weigh eggs when I set them but this time I thought I'd try it. It's quite reassuring if (like me) you've had severe issues with humidity in the past. I once lost 11 out of 12 chicks due to humidity and I still can't quite forgive myself for that error. I couldn't bear to do that many eggtopsies again.:hit
I'll be crossing my fingers for you for Thursday then. I hope we both get a good hatch...it's so exciting!!:clap
I'm so impatient to candle and see something. I tried yesterday but nothing yet. I know 3 days is too early. Lol

I'm just desperate to know that these eggs were fertile and it wasn't money wasted
I'm so impatient to candle and see something. I tried yesterday but nothing yet. I know 3 days is too early. Lol

I'm just desperate to know that these eggs were fertile and it wasn't money wasted
I totally understand. Ive been candling virtually three times a day since i set them! I only took the day 7 candling as gospel, but i just couldn't help myself! Especially where I have to turn them and more recently, spray and cool them.
I've calmed down a little now I've seen some growth but I'll probably be like this for the whole incubation period!:lau
No wonder my family make fun of me!
At least I know someone out there understands ;)
When should I see something via candling?

I thought I would be able to see something tonight. It's day 4.5 and I saw nothing.

I'm really nervous.
When should I see something via candling?

I thought I would be able to see something tonight. It's day 4.5 and I saw nothing.

I'm really nervous.

Sometimes you can see something on day 4, but not always. I've had eggs I thought there was nothing going on in suddenly show life on day 10, no joke. Usually by day 6 you can see development, though.
Thank you.

Just nervous and these eggs were way more expensive than anything I've bought before and I know I have no recourse if they don't develop :( I'll just be out $200

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