2019 Spring Broody/Broodies


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
In spring, I will be getting a couple of Polish and Frizzle/Cochin bantam chicks. If we end up with more than 1 broody, how many should I give to each?

Mouse, Our amazing White Bantam Silkie/Cochin mix has already raised 2 batches of chicks this year so I plan on letting her raise some more next year.

What do I do if another hen goes broody as well?

We own 2 Black sex links, 1 White Polish, 3 BLR Wyandottes, 2 Cochin bantams(6 months old as of Oct 28th) and 2 Red sex links(7 months old as of Oct 26).
I know some of them most likely won't go broody but I know our Black sex links may as 1 of them has already during early fall. We also had 2 of our Wyandottes go broody during late summer.

I'm not completely sure on how many chicks I plan on getting but this year I had gotten 7 but only 2 had survived. Rusty and Tiny are our only Cochins that managed to survive.
My Belgian d'Uccle broody hens have no problems raising ten or twelve bantam chicks, and my standard broody hens can raise ten big chicks too.
Half or more will be cockerels!
Our Silkie/Cochin mix, Mouse, raised 12 chicks at the same time. The red sex links we own were part of the first batch this year that she took care of. They were 2 wks old when she was given them but they got attached to her until they were old enough to understand their place in the flock. Rusty and Tiny were part of the second batch.

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