2019 Spring Ducklings are here!

There were a bunch of kids there with their dog. They had never seen a goose before. It was a good stir. She was a traffic oddity as well. She stuck her head above the bed to look around so most people passing us, we were going slowww, got a goose eyefull over the bed of the truck. Other than being cut open, she actually seemed to enjoy or at least be curious about the whole experience. I was glad as I know and the vet reminded me, that waterfowl, like rabbits can pass from stress. She couldn't be anesthetized and had to be dug on with just the Meloxipam. Funny, there were doses and instructions the vet followed for Canada Geese but not domestic geese. I had to sign one of those I want eat her or her eggs disclosure because no drugs are approved for our waterfowl friends. Sorry to go on but I thought you might find the vet visit interesting.
@WannaBeHillBilly They are now two months old, getting big, and filling their brooder and play yard with feathers. If I knew any fishermen that tied their own flies, they could have the dry ones. It seems like they just finished filling out their wing tips and now they are loosing them from where ever.
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