2019 Spring Ducklings are here!

I lost this thread. La Shi is definitely a hen and quacking up a storm. Merde and Dreck are still peeping so I assume drakes. They have gone up to the barn and I miss their little faces looking in the window at me. New babies in 14 days. I don't know what I am going to do with all the drakes. 3 drakes one hen. Yikes. Also Natasha has developed a large tumor on her neck. She has a vet appointment Monday. Getting her there will be a challenge.
I lost this thread. La Shi is definitely a hen and quacking up a storm. Merde and Dreck are still peeping so I assume drakes. They have gone up to the barn and I miss their little faces looking in the window at me. New babies in 14 days. I don't know what I am going to do with all the drakes. 3 drakes one hen. Yikes. Also Natasha has developed a large tumor on her neck. She has a vet appointment Monday. Getting her there will be a challenge.
Wondering if there is something you can feed her that is like Valium to calm her down for transport. I do not envy your task taking her in. A bobcat would be easier.
She did good on the ride there. Much calmer than I expected. She has an abcess. Most likely from a raccoon bite trying to save Mini. As you know waterfowl pus (sorry graphic) is hard and has to be dug out. Her a bcess was close to a major artery in her neck so it could not be all removed. She is back home and loopy on meloxipam. I have antibiotics and stuff to put in the hole in her neck but the vet was kind of 60/40. On recovery. I expected better news. She was a real trooper on the trip there and back and caused quite a stir at the vet office.

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