2019 Spring Ducklings are here!

This doesn't sound good. Let me know if I can help. I can't imagine how but willing and ready.
That's so nice of you! - I still have my job and could prove that nothing is my fault, there is a bug in a product causing a server to crash, but if the customer decides to drop the ball, the sales guys will need a scapegoat…
@WannaBeHillBilly They are now two months old, getting big, and filling their brooder and play yard with feathers. If I knew any fishermen that tied their own flies, they could have the dry ones. It seems like they just finished filling out their wing tips and now they are loosing them from where ever.
We wish you the best in your efforts to keep your job? Have you started checking out East Coast based consulting firms, if a change becomes necessary?
Yes, i remember those times! Fortunately it was very windy in late spring here and we have no leewards neighbors. There were white down feathers everywhere…
I am still fighting to keep my job, giving up 20 years a the same company, becoming "new guy" somewhere else isn't easy. It all depends how fast our development team can fix their mistake…

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