3 month pullet sleeping & lethargy


Jul 4, 2022
We have 2 3 month old australorp pullets and 1 seems to sleep a lot. She sleeps standing up. It’s very odd. A couple weeks ago after putting them outside in a small pen in the bigger coop with 3 hens and a roo we noticed her tail was always down and she wasn’t singing her usual songs to us. We moved both of them back inside and started 5 days of Tylan 50 on the one we thought was acting a little off. She seemed a little better but not quite right. Since they had been outside so I thought maybe it’s coccidiosis and started on Corid. We use a syringe to give her .1ml 9.6% orally every morning for 5 days and also mix the measured Corid water to 3 day fermented crumble. She seemed to be much better after a day or 2 and after 5 days discontinued the .1 ml oral dose but kept Corid mixed in the waterer. After 2 days off the .1 ml she is back to sleeping standing up and seems a little lethargic.

Any ideas?
If you strongly suspect coccidiosis and you've done the first round of the five-day treatment and the chicken is still acting sick, then she may have a secondary infection in the intestines. The best antibiotic to use for coccidia caused infections in a sulfa antibiotic, and you will probably do best to get it from a vet. If you live where there are a lot of pet stores, a pigeon supply shop would sell pigeon sulfa. Get that if you can. The other alternative is to order it online but it may take too long to get that way. But you can order it here. https://jedds.com/products/trimethoprin-sulfa-medpet?_pos=1&_sid=83dcb7a2a&_ss=r
Our hen is doing really well after the 2nd dose of Corid. We started introducing both our younger ones to the flock again today. Many thanks to the friendly helpful folks here at BYC!!

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