4 chickens suddenly stopped laying


In the Brooder
Feb 17, 2016
So I've got five chickens and when the weather switched from summer to fall, four of my five hens stopped laying. Not slowed down. Stopped. They aren't hidden somewhere. I've checked. I don't think they are all molting. Seems odd and now I'm worried about their health. What is up with my ladies?
The age of your birds is very relevant.

Once they are over a year old they will moult annually anywhere from mid July to December. Most breeds will stop laying whilst they moult and often not start up again until after the winter solstice.... sometimes not until spring. As explained above, a moult can be quite subtle where the only thing you might notice is the appearance of a few feathers under the roost or in the run or be quite sudden and brutal and look like someone plucked your bird alive overnight, as well as a huge variation in between those two extremes.

Pullets will usually lay through their first winter, which is why it can be beneficial to have a multigenerational flock.
Mine have all shut down since they started molting, including my super-reliable leghorn Daisy. Daisy's molt is very subtle. She slowly turns white again from this dingy brownish color. The new feathers are so white when they are new. You would not know she was molting if she was any other color.

In the photo below you can see the comparison between my poor Patsy who looses feathers all at once and then Daisy where if you zoom in you can see the new pure white feathers vs the dingy brownish ones. They are both molting and have stopped laying eggs. Your birds could be molting like Daisy and you may not even know it.


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