4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

I hope your little chick comes out of that wrong pip position! I am freaking out myself over here because of my double yolker. Last time I candled and could see anything they were both facing head down towards the correct end. They were facing each other too and kicked and bouncing up and down but always facing each other. It was like they were looking into a mirror. Wish I would have taken pics! But I just hope they pip at all. If I don't hear anything from them I am sure I will just die!!

This one is going to be interesting. Not sure they will be able to pip, in the same area. Would you consider pipping the egg if they aren't pipped by day 21? I think someone showed you the video where the gal helped, and, Sally has posted a great site of how slow you need to go with them. Good luck. it will be so neat if they both make it!
Quote: My bad on Zoe's age she is only 8 months old and looks to be the same size as your boy, what is his name. Zoe did alright in the heat her room has air conditioning in it and I only walked her a little ways down the road and we have a nice shaded lot. On really hot days I moved her to the woods or just took her out to do her business. I wish I had some other animals for her to bond too. I do have a really cool story though about her that brought tears to my eyes and chills down my arms. Here it is
During the end of summer I was cleaning out my breeding pens and had Zoe tied up near me (she is a puppy and runs after everything, she has a long lead) our Amish neighbor has a large flock of sheep that usually roam 40+ acres behind us, they stay to the back where it is cooler and has shade trees, well, I had to dump a barrel of straw in the compost and when I was rounding the corner I was stopped in my tracks, every sheep that was on the back 40 started walking up to the fence line, one by one they came up to Zoe and nudged her and she did they, they took turns sticking their heads through the fence while she gently pulled at the wool on their heads, and smelled them, on lamb in particular kept putting his head on hers and she kept gently nudging his. I was like they all knew they were meant to be together. I was sad and happy in the same moment, sad that she didn't have her own flock and happy that she knew what her job was, I hope to get her some mini goats this spring. I still get tears thinking about that moment.
Did I read somewhere that the temps are supposed to be a bit lower during the hatch? Does that mean the whole lockdown, or just when they start to pip?
My darn bator insists on running high, no matter how low I turn it.....
I thought ahead to buy a sponge, but forgot to put it in the bator at lockdown. I'm struggling to get my humidity up. I ran it in the thirties for the 18 days, now I can only get it up to 54%. Is that enough, or should I risk opening the bator long enough to toss in a wet sponge?
I'm thinking your humidity is fine, but you can get your temp down to the mid to high 90's and be fine too. :)
Hi all. Just thought id say I've learned so much from this thread and cant wait to join in on the next one. I ve been lurking here but I m also on backyard herds. Thanks for all the great info.
i cant get my incubator to go anywhere above 50% humidity!!
the trays are full, the vent is closed, and im worried they will get shrinkwrapped. ..

Actually, you want a vent open at this point. At least that's what I do. In fact, I don't even use the vents during incubation. Just get the temps and all right. You may want to be careful putting too much water in time after time. Your temp/humidity read out may be wrong..happened to me not long ago, my goodness, it was humid in there when I went to snatch a hatched chick. I stopped putting water in at that point. As long as your wells are full, you should be fine. 50% isn't bad either.
Wow, that looks great! And you have a great place for them..away from main living area. I will have mine in an extra bedroom. :/ Have had for a few years, but not so many during the winter. I can put them out in the nursery coop earlier during the summer, but not during the winter. Wow, will have to show this to my DH. Nice. If I had one like this, wonder if he would mind so much it being in his shop.
Thanks. I'm beginning to think I won't need it though
Everyone is talking about their chicks pipping already and their eggs rocking and rolling and mine are just laying there like slugs. We saw a bit of movement in 2 of them yesterday right after lockdown, but nothing has moved since and there are NO noises at all. I know there were chicks in them. I hope I didn't drown them by raising the humidity too high or something. I'm feeling sad

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