6+ Lemon Blue Cochin Hatching Eggs!!! New Photo's Great Fertility!!!


11 Years
May 23, 2008
Cumberland, VA
We have been having a great hatch with these birds and for the first time we are offering 6+ eggs in this auction. Reports that have been coming in lately are showing a 80-95 Percent hatch rate. In the middle of winter and with SHIPPED eggs that is awesome. At home we are having 95-100% hatch rate. You can see some new photo's here on this buy it now item. We also have up to date photo's of the hens and rooster. For other pictures please refer to our website at www.bishopschickens.com. PLEASE DO NOT HIT BUY IT NOW but instead send us an email with your order request. Shipping will be $12.50 however if you would like to double your order we can and will save you on shipping by just charging 1 shipping fee for up to 12+ eggs. Paypal payments can be sent to [email protected] through paypal.







Brandon and Heather
Hi, I bought some of your eggs and was wondering if there are suppose to be different color varieties in these. I only have 1 lemon/Blue out of the ones that hatched. The others are white, black and blue(solid). Is the line still in a project phase or ???????
With the blue gene your going to get blue black and splash. You can see the pic of some chicks a fellow BYCer sent me of his chicks. At the age of your chicks if your seeing the "lemon" I would guess at the age it's a roo. As far as I am aware the lemon blue is still a project. Our line came from Hodges farms originally. Yours are very young and I would wait a while to start seeing the lemon color come in more. The roos are going to have more than the hens will.

LOL which one garden? I need to get another pic of the roo. He has gotten HUGE. He is only 11 months old and bigger than all my other roos.

Hey Guys,

That last pic is of my chicks that i sent Brandon. They are awesome! So cute. I had 9 hatch out of 12...and that is with me being a total newbie and a 4 hour power outage during second week. They hatched Christmas Eve. All are healthy and growing.

Being inexperienced I am just explaining the colors they seem atm...i know they will change and that will be exciting.
1X one LARGE boy (that I know of!) - blue...keeping hm. He is awesome.
1X little black...love her and keeping her.She is the smallest.
3X blue/yellow
4X yellow

very happy with everything...thank you Brandon!
(there is one little BLRW in there!)


hope you don't mind me posting these Brandon.
Those are adorable babies. Sorry you had a power outage, those are some sturdy determined babies to make it despite a 4 hr power outage.
The Lemon Blues are lovely.
The reason you don't get all "lemon blues" is because the original cross was probably blue x buff. So these won't breed true. For true lemon blues, you'll need gold birchens x blues. Only there aren't any gold birchens in cochins yet

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