7 mo. B.R. Roo Weezing/Clear Discharge thru nose /yellw direa/lethrgic


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 7, 2010
Clovis, CA
PLEASE HELP - My only rooster (Barred Rock, 7 mos.) in my flock of 20 hens (mixed B.R., RIR, R.S., B.S.) got sick yesterday. I went to let them out of their coop yesterday. I noticed in the morning that I didn't hear him crow. When I got to the coop he was standing at the back of the coop by himself. All the girls ran out as usual but he just stood there. I called him and he finally came to me but was walking slowly. He looked like he was drunk. He seemed very lethargic. He made it out of the coop but just wandered. Didn't seem interested in feeding at all. Normally he follows me over to the red cherry tomatoes for his usual treat and our bonding time. I noticed he had a little poop but it was a small squirt of diarrhea and it was bright yellow. Next I saw him standing next to the garden shed with his face about 1" away from it just staring at it. I put some feed in my hand and tried to see if he would eat. He wasn't interested.

When I read posts on the forum there were so many different ideas for his type of symptoms. I am not sure if he is plugged up or has diarrhea. Then this morning when we got to the coop my husband caught him and held him for 30 minutes. He massaged his crop area and neck. He loved it. I noticed that he had labored breathing. I tried to feed him a little bread with olive oil and he ate one bite and I noticed when he swallowed that he had difficulty after swallowing like he was having trouble breathing. Then, as my husband was rubbing his neck we noticed a clear liquid coming from his left nostril. I noticed that his other nostril was kind of stained as if he had a runny nose at some point. Was he trying to swallow something like flem? He sounded weezy. Our weather turned from 74 to the mid 50's in one day as a cold storm moved in. (We are in Central CA.) Could a drastic change in weather cause him to get sick like this?

I purchased them from McMurray Hatchery in May and they were inoculated for all diseases that they could be. Not sure if that makes a difference in your deduction of his problem but thought I would mention it.

Please help. I don't want to lose him. My husband says I should have been prepared. I was raised on a ranch and harvest deer and elk every year. I have raised my own beef since I was a kid. Why am I so attached to these little creatures? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
This question is getting buried and I don't understand why I am getting 0 responses. What am I doing wrong???? There are 27 posts after mine and they all have responses.....? HELP:(
Have you introduced any new birds? Taken any to show? It sounds like a respiratory infection which is usually transmitted from one bird to another. But you can even pick some up at the feed store by brushing up against someone that has sick birds.
I really don't know what you're dealing with, but I can help you search. Enter each of your symptoms into the search or Google search feature above to see if you can answer it yourself.

ETA: A sudden drop in temperature would not make him get sick but it could make symptoms turn up if he was already sick with something. Many respiratory diseases that chickens get lie dormant until the bird is stressed, so the temperature drop would certainly do that.
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I found this page: http://www.chat.allotment.org.uk/index.php?topic=17568.0 regarding 'chicken poop', so you can see if it looked like any of those. It sounds pretty normal to me actually, but I haven't seen it. Still looking for more answers.

Here's another with descriptions of different respiratory diseases in poultry (this is #1 of 3, click links on the top of the page to access #'s 2 & 3): https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=15239-poultry-diseases-1

, this is Guinea Goonie's home BYC page. S/he lists 4 different pages, 3 with descriptions of common illnesses and 1 with links to other sites (this is the first one in the series linked above): https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=15239
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Here's the skinny on chicken diseases: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044

have no experience with respiratory problems so I'd be reading the same thing.

There is so much traffic on here that sometimes threads do get buried. People go through the unanswered posts periodically for that reason.

Good luck.
Thank You For Responding. I Did Look And I Didn't See Any Of The Poo's That Look Like His. I Mean His Are Briigggghhht Yellow. He Is Now Laying Down In The Crate That I Have Put Him In And His Breathing Has Become Much More Labored. I Can See Him Breathing Hard From Across The Room. I Haven't Had Him Anywhere But In The Coop And Free Ranging On Our Acreage. Would It Hurt To Give Him Some Cephaflexin, Weight Appropriate? I Am Wondering If He Has An Upper Respiratory Infection.

Again, Thank You For The Response And The Website Referral. I Have Bookmarked It For Future Reference.

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