7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Yeah, it was nice of them. I just wanted to try this once without a huge outlay. If I can do it and like it I may invest in one. I also think it will help me know what I want in one if I buy one.

I am using a used hova bator that I bought off craigslist for $15. I have made a couple but wanted to make some improvements on the next build. HAPPY HATCHING
@Sally Sunshine I just noticed on the BYC home page that you are currently the top/most active poster on BYC, coming in at #1
Who else is collecting the eggs from their own hens? I'm only getting 1 chicken egg per day and 2 quail. I might not hatch a lot. Lol
I am!
My second generation of Svarthönas started laying well again just in time for the HAL. I have 1 of their eggs due to hatch today and two more in about 9 days. So far, I have at least 7 more saved for the HAL. I also have some project eggs and perhaps some Isbar eggs to set.

Yea I was always excited when I saw a green egg in the nest box. Then my poor hen was eaten by a coyote or raccoon. I still have the roster that was with her. He is the boss of all of the chickens.
Sorry for your loss.

Quote: Please don't leave a light on for 24 hours. They need sleep.
I agree. Timers are cheap. You also risk having them stop laying when you discontinue the lights in the spring because you have screwed up their internal clocks. 16 hours is plenty.

Yesterday, I got 14 swedish flower hens eggs unrelated to my other SFH's. These are German line. I went ahead and set those, 9 isabelle leghorns and 2 blue copper marans, from my new roo, last night. That's 25 in my Octo. 20 brinsea. One of the SFH eggs had a crack, so I'm undecided about trying to stack them or just taking it out. Since I'm early do you still need my setting numbers?

Tonight 6 isbars, 3 SFH, 2 black CM, and 10 isabelle leghorns go into lockdown. I may have a hatching problem! Will post pictures!
Good luck with your hatch! I would definitely set the cracked one. I seal cracks with the spray bandage from Nexcare. Many people use wax to seal the cracks. Unless your eggs are quite large, you shouldn't need to stack them, just remove a rail or two. If you end up with extra space, fill it with the sponge dividers from Brinsea or poly-fil until lockdown. 25 is not too bad, so the turner should be able to handle it, but when I overload my Octo 20's, I usually hand turn them because the arm on the turner breaks too easily. I know this from experience. I often put in 28-30 eggs.
Yeah, it was nice of them. I just wanted to try this once without a huge outlay. If I can do it and like it I may invest in one. I also think it will help me know what I want in one if I buy one.

You will be getting an incubator---you know it!
Also hatching our own eggs. Our production is down by half since it's winter, and our most brilliant hen just started her molt. (We've been snow to 17' and have had two ice storms and a heary snow storm already- so ya know, time to go naked.)

We have lavender orp,welsummer, olive eggers, ameraucana, blue laced.red wyandotte, light sussex, french blue marans, copper marans, speckled marans, and a buff orp, and a rir cross.

Very nice eggs!

I will be hatching mine and a few EE. Like I said before anyone near SW Missouri wanting eggs I am getting plenty from my RIR, BR, and buff/EE's to share.
Too bad you are not closer to California.

That is a great offer!
Hi everyone! Count me in!
I'll be initially setting chicken eggs from my own flock. I didn't have good fertility with my test hatch last month so I'm working on getting some shipped eggs as well. I'm waiting on word from a breeder, and if her hens are laying well enough they will ship them mid-week.

My flock's eggs will be SLW roo over EE's, barred rocks and/or black sex-links. Those are going in my Brinsea mini Eco. Saving the Hovabator for the shipped eggs since there will be more of those. :)

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