93 steamy degrees here today, BUT..................


12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Poolville, TX
it's gonna get down to 27 Saturday night.
I know, I know. They say if you don't like the weather here in Texas, wait 15 minutes.

This warm weather has really motivated us the last couple of days and we have gotten a lot of work done outside. My husband started the coop expansion. I have rearranged the birds and put them in different pens. It's great. Now, I have to go back to hibernation mode for a few days. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, I'm ready for Spring.

We got our potatoes in the ground. We've had our onions in the ground for several weeks. I'm ready to get our garden going. I just love Spring time.
I was so excited that it got up to ALMOST 50 DEGREES yesterday, that I bundled my favorite 6-wk old chickie into my sweatshirt, just so she could get a quick peek at the "great outdoors", and feel grass on her feet for the first time ever (for all of 10 seconds or so

Then back inside with her buddies & the warmth... I don't think she knew what to make of it all....
Yikes....I knew a cold front was coming, but I didn't realize it was going to be THAT cold....brrrrrrrrr. It'll be in the mid-80's here today. Going to check the forcast now....

My chickies are going to be so sad if they have to stay in their brooder for a couple days
They have really been enjoying their outside time every day.

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