A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Thanks for letting us know Ralph is OK.

It's been a busy weekend. Have been looking for a new home for Charlie. I've had one offer from a lady that will buy him and process him for dinner. I'm not sure I can do that. A new home yes, but I'm not so ****** off that I want him dead.

So far no ffa or 4h person has stepped up. I even offered a "donation" to who ever took him to help with the expenses.
Charmed...keeping my fingers crossed for Charlie. I hope you find the home. Wish you were closer....he could keep my two single (but looking ) hens company.
Hey all,

Sorry I was gone. I was at my cabin for 9 days. There is no phone, Tv or internet there. It is heaven!

I am just letting you know I am back, I will try to catch up on reading tomorrow. I hope everyone and their birds are doing fine.
Well, well, well...look who finally crawled out of the woods! We had decided you were fermenting peaches with Sasquatch. (Long story :D) Some of us got to know the Minnesota thread folks in your absence. We had fun speculating your whereabouts! We had we word earlier from Coffee 1st that you were in fact alive & well. MM & I took that opportunity to start drinking.

Meanwhile. ..i think the most interesting posts here was on the "Turkey Poop" thread where Kathy posted peacock porn.

Glad your back!
I guess Ralphie's a real favorite, huh? So nice that you're such a close knit group!
Ralphie - glad you are back, hope you had a great time!

Charmed - I wish I had room for another tom, Charlie looks like such a beautiful boy. My fingers are crossed that you find a good place for him.

We had a busy weekend cleaning out the other half of the barn to make a new interior space for turkeys. The outside runs are ready, just seems to take forever to get all the little bits done. After work tomorrow, will cut a hole in the wall to install a door and voila, a new turkey house (I hope).

Had the turkeys out for lots of running time this weekend - they had a blast.


Big Bird has a crush on Turkules, follows him everywhere and gets under his feet. He has no idea what to do with her - I think he's used to the chickens ignoring his puffed up feathers :lau

So I stalked Ralph and he was on BYC a day ago... so he didn't die. Or get taken over by the delinquent poultry... unless they are posing as him on BYC.

Charmed- I sure hope you figure out something with Charlie. I know how hard it can be. Maybe just separate him? Or get him a female turkey?
Once Banshee stopped trying to woo Tomahawk, Dinner was much nicer.

On a slightly different note, now that Banshee has a new Tomahawk, he has been a bit of a butt to me! He must be embarrassed at being a mommas boy. He won't let me pick him up without a large amount of squawking and flapping.
So shameful to have your mom lick her hand and smooth down your cowlick in front of your girlfriend.

Tomorrow I am bringing home 4 new hens. We have not had fresh eggs since the middle of September. The poor girls have been on strike because of molting and stress from the dang dog that tried to eat them all.
We have a Barnevelder we got this spring as a chick who has yet to lay... and she didn't molt. Or get attacked by the dog. Sigh. I love those dang girls, but I love fresh eggs. I am getting impatient.

As deadly as it seemed since we haven't heard from Ralph since he concocted a beverage to help his cold, I am going to make a hot cocoa with cinnamon and peppermint schnapps. They really are delicious. And good cold too with chocolate milk.

Does anyone have advice about picking out a hen for a Tom? We have a single Blue Slate male who adopted us. I thought about taking photos of available females and showing them to him on my computer screen. Silly?
OMG Fiesty! You can send me that cute little guy right in the middle of the picture displaying anytime! They've grown so much since the last we saw pics!
Turkules has a girlfriend....Turkules has a girlfriend! ! :lol:

Goronson....go to the Porters Heritage Turkey site. He has this GREAT calculator that allows you to enter the breed (color) of mom & dad turkeys and it tells you what color varieties they would produce. That may help you decide what color girls (yes I said girlS) you might want. I think Tommy would fall in love with any hen you brought home!

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