A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

All seems to be going ok with the new girls. Blossom grabbed Poppy by his, now huge, snood....twisted it & threw him to the ground, sat on him & gave him a peck on his head. Then hopped up & ate breakfast. Pops didn't know what hit him. But after that one instance, all has been calm.
All good here with the new girls! Sat in the pen this morning with them. Typical turkeys....they had to cautiously wander up & beak my sneakers! Not putting pressure on them, letting them take their time. Just hanging out. They aren't skiddish... but you can tell they are trying to figure out everything.
All good here with the new girls! Sat in the pen this morning with them. Typical turkeys....they had to cautiously wander up & beak my sneakers! Not putting pressure on them, letting them take their time. Just hanging out. They aren't skiddish... but you can tell they are trying to figure out everything.
You will turn them into divas in no time :clap
DH and I have been working on our new 30x32’ greenhouse. Holy Smokes that’s a hard tent to set up! We have the ribs/bows up and some of the purlins. The girls will have a heckuva winter residence when it’s finished but every step is harder than we expect. We’re like, “well at least that’s done; the next thing can’t be any worse,” but yup, it can. (Sigh) I guess we’re old after all... Anyway, we’ll getter done eventually unless the global warmers let us down too very badly.

I’m thinking the chicken girls and the turkey girls will stay in the big plastic chalet and maybe the Sweetgrass poults all, until the boys start getting too rowdy. I’ll put the toms and the waterfowl together and leave the roos in the grow-out coop until I get fool-hardy and decide I want to make baby chicks... or poults, though nobody in my turkey flock is old enough for that yet.

Right now the turkeys are staying in the back yard with the geese and roosting on the faux iron fence I put up to keep my mom from wandering off. There’s a tractor in there for them in case of wind, but do you think any of them will use it? Ha! They are turkeys, they are, and that means TOUGH... at least the boys. Some of the girls seem to prefer life with the hens & pullets along with sleeping civilized-like in the henhouse. If they fly in, I let them stay so long as they’re nice. I’ve got a final count on turkey girls: one Black, one Bourbon Red, five Narragansetts. That leaves me two Black, three Bourbon Red and three Narragansett jakes.

I suspect the tri-color mottled black I got from R2 is a boy. He and the Tri-color mottled slate flew the coop a week ago. The older jakes (who pretty much come and go as they please) were harassing the TCMB before I rescued him, but no one troubled the TCMS. Plus he’s one of the bigger R2 poults. I can’t get a count on suspected girls and boys amongst the Sweetgrass. They move around too much, too fast. They’re sure getting pretty, though. They’ve got all my roosters but one in with them and everyone gets along hunky dory.

Mid November if I can find a good day or two I’ll process the extra toms, probably I’ll keep a Narragansett and a Bourbon Red. That’s six. I don’t like killing chickens, but I *really* don’t enjoy killing turkeys. Oh well... it’s gotta be done. At least the heritage toms will be smaller than the BBWs.

Anyway that’s my big update. I’ll try to remember to get some pics of the herd of turkeys on the fence rail. :lau It’s quite the sight though it’s not doing the grass underneath any good, at least not aesthetically. :eek:

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