A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Mr fancy getting a chance to look spectacular with no older Tom's around lol
Wow! Hes amazing! My girls would swoon over Mr. Fancy!!

While driving up to Missouri this afternoon I was listening to the news. Reporter was interviewing someone doing rescues in the Carolinas. She asked about the pet rescues...seems there are quite a few. He told the story of a woman who wouldn't evacuate because she didn't want to leave her chickens! Apparently it was getting so bad she called for help. Guy said they agreed to rescue her flock too! I had visions of being in an evacuation boat with a turkey under each arm. Sadly, I wouldn't evacuate without them....
Wow! Hes amazing! My girls would swoon over Mr. Fancy!!

While driving up to Missouri this afternoon I was listening to the news. Reporter was interviewing someone doing rescues in the Carolinas. She asked about the pet rescues...seems there are quite a few. He told the story of a woman who wouldn't evacuate because she didn't want to leave her chickens! Apparently it was getting so bad she called for help. Guy said they agreed to rescue her flock too! I had visions of being in an evacuation boat with a turkey under each arm. Sadly, I wouldn't evacuate without them....
In October 2015 the county tried to burn us out by negligently starting a fire at the land fill. It was during a time of high winds. They came by and told everyone to evacuate. When they got to me, I refused to go and stayed and fought the fire. If I had left, I would have lost my house because I put out the fires that threatened my home.

Those that left had their animals go unattended for 4 days because it was that long before they allowed anyone back in. I was without power for two days and without my land line phone for a week. I had a generator running for awhile but ran out of gas. Of course I could not leave to get gas because they would not let anyone back in.

Me and my animals were fine other than some smoke inhalation. Others were not so fortunate. One neighbor locked all but one of their dogs in their basement and took the one with them. Their house burned completely including their dogs.
Oh geez! Sfgwife if I brought a goat home Annie would still be displaying & grumbling! Although, since shes covered in quills, she'd look more like a porcupine.

R2elk....that's a scary story. Watched a lot of the fire coverage this summer, it was heartbreaking. I don't know if I would have the guts to stay. I'd be the one evacuating with two turkeys in the passenger seat.

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