a ducks trust


8 Years
Jul 12, 2011
Philippines Makati
ok so i have a duck i just bought it the other day (2 days ago ) it doesn't want me to touch it feed it and even get close to it.i cant give it treats because it just bites my hand and it runs away from me. so how do i solve this problem ?how do i get its trust?
I have a chair in my duck run and when i get a new duck i just sit quietly and wait for them to come to me. You can try setting treats down on the ground in front of you and wait. It depends on how much time you have to spend with them. Just be patiant and it will happen. Sometimes when i go in the run in the morning they all run away like crazy and then all of a sudden they all turn around and run right back to me and quack like crazy asking for treats or food or something. Just keep trying.
patiants, patiants, patiants and dont grab for them...they'll come around.
Sounds like your set up is working against you. Can you find a larger space to keep the duck, large enough that you can sit in it on a stool? I had my ducklings in a puppy pen in a bedroom. I could get into the pen with them and just sit and let them get used to me.

Reaching into a cage is a very scary thing from the duck's point of view. First, it is trapped - cornered. So of course it will try to protect itself. And if the cage is on the floor, you are towering above it. Something strange coming in from above is very scary for a duck.
Food, time and patience however that still guarantees nothing, ducks have individual personalities some will be more 'trusting' than others.. i see it in my own flock and they've all been rasied the same.
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That's a good plan - make sure that predators cannot get in, of course.

And patience, as we have already written, is the key to making progress with your ducks.

Thanks for sharing your duck news with us!

Please keep us updated!
another reason why i cant give treats even if i throw it on the floor is because she doesnt bite/chew well my other ducks can eat solid she just cant idk why
i know because when i put my hand inside the cage and cuddle her she bites me very WEAK.

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