A hundred bucks a meal? Are you guys pulling my leg? With poll

How many of you spend a hundred dollars on a meal for a couple?

  • I do weekly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do monthly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do yearly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have, but only a few times

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I never have but would like to

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! Are you outta your everlovin' mind?!

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
I am too cheap. The most we have spent at a restaurant is 40.00 when we took my mom out for her birthday. I cant justify spending that kind of money on a meal. I did though one year for christmas for my hubby bought a gift card for a hotel a gift card for a nice restaurant and a gift card for the movies. Cost me about 400.00 but was able to buy one card at a time. Then he got to pick when we would use it. I would rather cook at home, although if I ever had the money to go to Italy I'd probably come home weighing 500 lbs. I could eat my way across Italy
Yep I have... crazy though. I was down in the twin cities to have eye surgery and while we were there we thought we would splurge. We went to a really nice place... even through they were spendy, the food for two was enough to feed a family of 8. We actually took a good amount home. That bill was $178... the most I have ever spent on a meal. But it was a good one! I have spent $60 -100 on a family of 4 before but very rarely.
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Add a tip and we are well over $200 for the evening.
I know that is a lot of money, but my wife is worth it.

I'd get a divorce & buy a dog as a companion.
I cannot even imagine.. Just the person I am though. Guess I never understood the whole 'going out' thing.
I can grow/hunt & prepare a healthier and just as fancy (if not fancier meal) myself, complete with homemade wine.
To each their own of course, as long as you have fun I suppose.

But to answer the question, no, I'd never pay that much. As Rebelcowboy said, the waitress better hold me and hand feed me. Hell, the chef and clean-up crew better too.​
of my fave places to eat. Of course, we only do something that big once a year.

ETA: fine dining isn't JUST the food. There is an entire atmosphere about it. It should be an experience that you can't duplicate at home.
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We spend twice that and don't even buy beef or pork, nor do we buy goodies or convenience foods. I don't see how it's even possible to spend $200/mo on groceries in today's world for more than just one person. You must not eat much or not eat three meals a day. Of course, we don't buy eggs, either.

Going out to eat is pretty much a thing of the past with us, much less spending that huge amount on it. We're retired military and live exclusively on his pension check with no supplemental income. With gasoline and groceries and everything else skyrocketing, it would be completely stupid to spend $100 (or even $30) on one meal for 2 people. Once every six months, we may swing through Checkers and grab a couple burgers to eat on the run or something along those lines.

It isn't easy to get by on that little money, but we raise all our own veggies and most of our own meat. We buy most stuff we use a lot of in bulk like flour, meal, salt, anything that we can buy in bulk and split into smaller packages and store usually saves money. Of course that is not figuring in canning supplies, the kid's school lunches, toiletries, any junk food snacks or soda which we only buy if we have exrta and can afford it that month or anything like that. We spend more too if you figure in the feed for the animals we raise to eat, fertilizer, seed and such for the garden. I'm just saying we budget in $200.00 bucks a month for the groceries. Most everything is generic, on sale or in bulk.
We hardly ever eat breakfast or if we do it's cerial (Generic bag stuff) or oatmeal. On the days we are all home Terra will make eggs from our hens, homeade biscuits, maybe a bit of bacon or ham and milk. Always a ton of syrups, jellies, jams, preserves and such too. Lunch is most of the time leftover's from last night's supper or home canned soup or a fresh salad. And if I'm working I just don't eat lunch. An average dinner would be like we had last night. A meat (Ribs, on sale at the grocery, around $5.00 worth) home canned green beans, fresh salad from the garden (Lettuce, onions, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and mixed greens), home made cornbread, fried squash and egg plant and tea.

Not big meals, not fancy, but cheap, filling and oh so good.

The thought of spending a hundred dollars or more on a single meal just amazes me! It really does.
I put once a week, but that was in NE Montana, where you had only 2 restaurants to chose from and it didn't matter witch one..they were both over priced! Now here in AL, we have eaten the same type of food for under $50 bucks...it is totally related to where you live!
The thought of spending a hundred dollars or more on a single meal just amazes me! It really does.

Me, too! I also think it's insane to go on vacation just because it's "tradition" and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars with nothing tangible to show for it. We don't vacation.

We just canned 10 quarts of stewed tomatoes and 2 quarts of tomato juice. If we could get our garden area in a better state, we could do better on our groceries, I'm sure.​
I've only been out to pricy, fancy-smancy places a few times, all on dates (years ago) in which I'm sure the guy meant to impress. Only one place actually impressed me; the food was delicious and ample and very well presented in different courses...they brought around roses for the ladies...quite nice.
However, I still laugh about another place, where the food was presented prettily, but the portions were miniscule. I was trying to order "cheaply" and so chose a half order of some kind of fancy scallop dish. I kid you not - my plate had THREE scallops on it, with some fancy sauce drizzled around the plate. My side dish (only one) was good, but skimpy too. Everything was so expensive, I was embarrassed to order more afterward - so I bought some snacks from a convenience store when we left.
Now, everything was tasty-it's just that I sure would have liked to taste a lot more of it. It was one of those seen/be seen places - so I guess they were charging for THAT.

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