Advice needed; Agressive Top Hen v. Terrified Bottom Pullet

After studying the Feather Heads a bit more I think the issue is two pronged. Yes, Scrambles is being aggressive as all heck but conversly Salsa is being extremely timid -one might say, 'flighty'. I think it's both in combination that's caused the problem. I think that Salsa's so small that even the 'nice' hens hurt her without meaning to (hurt, not injure; she seems to get stepped). Which would be why she's avoiding all of them. By her seperating herself for sheer shyness and fear of injury; she is triggering Scrambles aggression. Essentially she's making herself into a target and Scrambles is taking the invitation. Even with Scrambles taken out of the mix I'm unsure if that will help; she's too scared of all of them.

If I can get DH on board; I try getting two new flock mates for a small/timid bird flock. I'm thinking some combo of Favorolles, Houdon, Bantam Brahma, or D'uccle. The county fair is still going on and tomorrow is their public poultry sale. I have the coop still, might as well use it. I know it will still be a while, whatever I buy needs to be quarantined but I think this will work. And I'll be supporting the local 4H.
I had this problem in my flock, but it wasn't a result of integration, but because of a loss of master Roo. Terrified bottom pullet was getting thinner, always chased from the feeder. The other hens were actually starting to gang up on her. One would mount her and a few others would join in with pecking and feather pulling. I knew pulling the bottom pullet out wasn't an option that would help this situation, as she would have to be re-integrated. After a few days of pondering.....I decided that ALL hens EXCEPT bottom pullet would be wearing pinless peepers. After a few weeks, bottom pullet has filled out and is calm and relaxed. One of the other ladies managed to get her peeper off by herself, but isn't causing any trouble. I will keep the peepers on until they are all through a molt and a roo is re-introduced.
This was a LAST resort, as it affects their foraging a bit, I had to modify the feeders, and ultimately - I prefer to let the ladies work it out, all my efforts seem to create other issues (!).
Top hen will always wear her peepers, Ms. B I call her.......Roo was often keeping her in line.
Good luck. Offer more feeding stations to make sure she gets enough to eat.

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