Afraid to eat eggs now.....

After hatching my little boogers, I'm afraid to eat eggs now...... not store bought eggs but the ones my hen laid. I keep wanting to try out the eggs to see what it taste like, but I keep picturing the little runts inside those eggs and afraid to give it a go. Are you guys the same? How do I get over this fear and go for it?
Ne'r fear, they're just eggs! You crack carefully, cook, enjoy :) do you think about a cute little calf before eating a burger or the baby piglet your bacon strips came from?? As a matter of fact, do you eat chicken?:duc :hit
If you don't want the yummy butt nuggets I'll take them! My pullets are still just free loaders.:jumpy
It's not the thought of the egg being fertilized that scares me..... it's just that I've recently hatched some chicks, and now that I've spent time caring and looking after them, I just can't imagine cracking open one of their siblings and eating it. It just feels weird to me because I keep seing their little faces staring at me every time I go to the fridge to open that door and thinking of eating it! :(
Aw, well you can become a vegan for the time being. I assume you don't eat adult chickens?
This could provide some serious anti-aversion therapy:

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