All Flock Feed for Teenage Chicks

holiday hawk

Apr 12, 2023
I have four chicks where the youngest is ~10 weeks and the oldest are ~12-13 weeks old. They have been spending about a month living besides the adults run, and I think I am going to try introductions this weekend. Assuming everything seems to go fine (which to my understanding means there might be some pecking and feather pulling, but no blood/excessive aggression by the older birds, please correct me if I'm wrong), then everyone will start to live together very soon. Currently my adults are on all flock feed with oyster shells, as I also have baby ducks, so I figured I might as well switch them from the layer feed to the all flock whenever their last bag of feed ran out. I'm very much a poultry newbie, but I know too much calcium is bad for chicks. Looking at the brand of feed the adults and chicks are on, it seems like they have the exact same amount of calcium, so it should be fine. If so, I'd much rather just feed everyone the adult feed to keep things simple, and save what's left of the chick grower for the ducks (on a side note I never would have guessed ducklings eat that much more chicks!). Could someone please just look at the feeds I'm using and make sure the chicks can switch over to what the adults are eating no problem? Like I said, the calcium percentages seem to be the same, but if possible, I'd rather have someone who knows what they are doing just tell me it's fine for sure!

Adults are eating this

Chicks are eating this
Personally I'm fine with 17% protein, especially since your chicks are past the rapid growing stage. They might mature a little slower or end up slightly smaller as adults, but that's about it. If you really want to supplement it the easiest thing would be to mix in some of the starter feed, since that usually has higher protein %.

As far as the ducks, I know they need extra niacin, so if you're feeding the chick starter to the ducks make sure it's formulated for ducks as well.
Is there a treat or something supplemental I could feed them for protein?
Either a bit of the chick starter mixed in, or you could feed the odd hard-boiled egg. Don't over do eggs though, because they are high in fat as well.
But I think like rosemarythyme said, they should be fine, so I wouldn't worry to much, just bare it in mind.
I have 14 week old chicks that over the past month have been integrating with the rest of the flock. They started eating the all-flock (pelleted) back then that the others were eating. (I also provide oyster shell separately.) At first I just added some of the all-flock in with their grower feed to see if they would eat it. They did, so I just gradually switched them over till they were just on the adult all-flock.

(I feed Country Companion all-flock which is 20% protein)

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