Big Red Roosters

Nov 7, 2018
United States of America
What is required to make a chicken an Ameraucana and not an Easter Egger? For a great deal from a local breeder I got a mix of green and blue egg layer hatching eggs, but I wouldn't get to know what breeds they were.
About 9 months later I have Super Blues and Easter Eggers, but one of them I think may be a pure Ameraucana. The breeder does breed Ameraucanas so there is a chance, but I don't know the difference between Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas, I know they have to have a beard and muffs and can only be certain colors, but that's as far as my breed knowledge reaches.

I realize I worded this thread horribly. My apologies. I want to know how to tell them apart myself, not by just posting pictures and having other people say this or that. I want to learn how to do that myself. Sorry, I'm not good at explaining my thoughts.
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True Ameraucanas have:
slate legs/feet
White feet bottoms
A pea comb
Are always a recognized color
Lay blue eggs. No exceptions

They don't have to be an APA/ABA recognized variety to be an Ameraucana.
What is an Ameraucana Chicken?

A chicken is an Ameraucana when it meets the American Poultry Association’s (APA) Standard Ameraucana breed description and meets a variety (color) description or breeds true at least 50% of the time, whether the variety is recognized or not. There are actually two breeds of Ameraucana: bantam and large fowl.

My attempt at taking pictures in the dark did not go well. I'll try again tomorrow so, you know, you can actually see the chicken I'm talking about.
Don’t know if you can see her muffs and beard, but this girl is a true black Ameraucana.
She is beautiful. Quite cute with her little ones. Thank you for the information, I really appreciate it! Let me look back on my phone, I think I may have one from when he was a little guy, but I'm not sure I have one of his leg color. Is there such a thing as gray legs? I'm not sure his are blue, I think they may be more of a gray color.

For goodness sakes I do have a picture from when I had listed him for sale last year. He looks a little different now, his posture changed and his feathers make it appear he is wearing a cape, but otherwise is the same.

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