American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

my American blue laid her first egg, not sure if she did it yesterday or early this morning. It was cracked and I think it was frozen. One of my duck eggs was frozen also. We had a lot of snow and cold yesterday. The goose wasn't trying to sit yet will she sit eventually? Are geese the type to lay all the eggs then sit? I didn't want them to lay yet the weather is unpredictable . I think the ducks are giving them the idea. And yes I saw them breeding. I want babies I was hoping they would do it. If not I will have to. Any advice to what to do? Thanks .
I would take eggs till weather is nicer. You can bake with the eggs or cook and eat them. If the weather is nicer in a couple of weeks you could let her start building a clutch of eggs. The magic number for my girls last year for a clutch was 8.
If the temperatures are still real cold when my geese start laying I will probably wind up taking them and putting them in my incubator. I have orders to fill for American Buff goslings so I cant afford to let all the eggs go to waste.
Thanks guys, it is suppose to get down to -2 tonight I am so worried. Next year I will have a out building for them .I have hay all over the place it will be a mess when it warms up. and to top it off I drove all the way to work and found out we were closed.
Thanks guys, it is suppose to get down to -2 tonight I am so worried. Next year I will have a out building for them .I have hay all over the place it will be a mess when it warms up. and to top it off I drove all the way to work and found out we were closed.
They are outside without a secure building to get into safe from predators and the elements? [At night] Mine would last a few nights maybe.
miss Lydia they have a jumbo dog house that is stuffed with hay in a pen and I put hay all around also I used hay bails and made a shelter for there food or they sit under it. this is not normal weather we usually get a couple of inches of snow not two feet. luckily it has been sunny. I bought some heated water pails I am so glad I did. The wild birds are eating there food had to buy more any body have this problem .
miss Lydia they have a jumbo dog house that is stuffed with hay in a pen and I put hay all around also I used hay bails and made a shelter for there food or they sit under it. this is not normal weather we usually get a couple of inches of snow not two feet. luckily it has been sunny. I bought some heated water pails I am so glad I did. The wild birds are eating there food had to buy more any body have this problem .
I have to put out bird feeders to keep the wild birds out of my flocks feed. I leave my geese door to their house open all day and it was 1* this morning with wind chill of -27 where were the geese laying in the snow, they did mange to scoot under the little coop I put shaving under it for the ducks to lay on, but since the geese are so hateful to everyone they had to stay in the larger fenced in area today so the rest of the flock wouldn't get harassed by them. They never once went back into their house till I put them up for the night But I could tell they were cold they kept laying down on their legs and feet. Those heated buckets are truly a blessing.
Miss Lydia my geese do the same I know that the female goes in the house she is making that her nest. The male he makes me laugh he guards her so he stays out side he even chases the wild birds, so they are kept up otherwise they would chase the ducks away from there pen. I have the snow tramped down around there pen so the can walk around. maybe today I can let the geese out we are in for more bad weather snow and freezing rain not good.

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