American Idol


Got The Blues
14 Years
Nov 22, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
Tonight is Country Music night. Now Im a 55 year old gal, who's country thru and thru, but good lord, that Adam Lambert is just......I cant find the word.....mesmerizing???? What a performer. What a performance. What range!

Holy moses.....
Is adam lambert the guy with the black hair? If he is, I thought he was pretty bad..
You can only stretch country music lyrics so far, before it isnt country anymore.
Just my opinion, if Im even thinking about the right guy.
Whats with the guys singing chick songs?
Which one is Adam? Still to early in the season for me to be familar with the contestants. The only one I can recall is the guy with the black spiked hair and stage performer. He is really good, I agree with the judges that he should already have his career on track. He certainly will after this.

I was with you.. there aint many ways to stretch Johnny Cash, and at first I was thinking he was going to slaughter it.... but towards the end I was slow grooving! I wanted to hear more! I loved the egyptian sounding arrangment.
I don't like Adam, but his performance tonight was hot. He has a sensuality about him. Tonight is going to be tough. I like Danny, Anoop, Megan, and the young lady that sang Jolene and Matt. Those are the ones I like.

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