Ancona Ducks

Okay thanks for the tips. That's what I was looking for. I kept getting mixed answers from people though!

I will look into ordering/buying his book.

Learycow---I'm hopefully getting some adults or ducklings from them when they drive down to Tampa in December

I'll be sure to post pics of mine (granted the hatching goes well, fingers crossed!)

And I hope you continue to post pics of your babies as they grow and feather out!
I'll be sure to post pics of mine (granted the hatching goes well, fingers crossed!)

And I hope you continue to post pics of your babies as they grow and feather out!

Yes fingers crossed for your hatch!!

Definitely will. I'm a little sad because I know bibbed is NOT a breed standard so that little guy will get sold but it'll be when they are older (right before they start breeding).
We keep our ducks (16 of them) in a stall in our barn, but let them out in their grassy run with swimming pools during the day. Right now we have straw down in the barn for bedding, but it gets so messy really quickly. Are there other suggestions for bedding that works well for ducks? We just got our Anconas in June and are still trying to figure things out!
We keep our ducks (16 of them) in a stall in our barn, but let them out in their grassy run with swimming pools during the day. Right now we have straw down in the barn for bedding, but it gets so messy really quickly. Are there other suggestions for bedding that works well for ducks? We just got our Anconas in June and are still trying to figure things out!
We found shavings to be a better option for duck bedding here on our farm. Their are positives and negatives to all bedding but it lasted a lot longer than the straw in our duck houses.
We found shavings to be a better option for duck bedding here on our farm. Their are positives and negatives to all bedding but it lasted a lot longer than the straw in our duck houses.
Thanks for your advice! We'll have to give that a try. I need to track down someone in the area who sells shavings by the truckload because bagged shavings will be too expensive!
Try a local mill. A lot of them will give you chips, shavings or sawdust for free if you haul it your self.
Do I need to be careful how small the pieces are? Will they try to eat it? I just had a load of pine tree mulch delivered last week from a tree that was cut down. There are bits and branch tips of pine needles still in it and the wood chips are quite small. Would this work for them, both with the size of the mulch pieces and the fact that there are pine needles in it? I know the needles can be really sharp especially when they're dry. I have some other non-pine mulch piles, too with bigger pieces (like the size of mulch to spread in flower beds -- we use it for walking paths, too). I was planning on spreading some of those in my chicken run for them to scratch in. I'm not sure if that would work for duck bedding??
It sure will. They will like a bit finer stuff in the nesting area but just to cover floors & keep them dry the larger pieces will work fine in the bedding area.
Great! We have plenty of mulch at the moment -- can't wait to try. Should we take out all the soiled straw bedding and start fresh or just pile the mulch on top like deep litter bedding?

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