Ancona Ducks

Couple quick questions, first we had some very warm weather lately, pushing 90 for a week, and they didnt really lay any eggs then. Once the temp broke they started laying again. Is this normal?

Next question, we give them a lot of veggie and fruit scraps but it gets to be a pain chopping rinds and the bottoms of celery, etc. Anybody found a particularly good chopper that doesnt pulverize everything?

Here's a couple pics of them and their stuff

My gang of 4

Their pool

Their house

Their feeder
Couple quick questions, first we had some very warm weather lately, pushing 90 for a week, and they didnt really lay any eggs then. Once the temp broke they started laying again. Is this normal?

Next question, we give them a lot of veggie and fruit scraps but it gets to be a pain chopping rinds and the bottoms of celery, etc. Anybody found a particularly good chopper that doesnt pulverize everything?

Here's a couple pics of them and their stuff

My gang of 4

Their pool

Their house

Their feeder
Yes. The heat can make them lay less. Kind of like people, you don't eat as much when it's HOT HOT HOT. Ducks are the same way. They lay around more than they forage and eat, so they produce less and put their energy into staying cool
Hey guys. We are on day 2 of integration with our ducks. All has been good except our big ducks are hogging the pool. We only had 1 and we bought a 2nd today so the little ducklings could swim too but our big ducks won't let the little ones get in it.. any suggestions?
These are my pair, good quality? Left Salt (Drake), and right Pepper (Duck).
in order to judge quality we need good clear photos from the side of the duck and the front, preferably from the same level as the duck. You want asymmetrical markings all over the body, markings under eye and on top of the head, well marked chests, and feet and bill markings. Color ratio roughly 60% color, 40% white.
Here's a picture of my Ancona ducks having a watermelon party on a little quilt that I made.

Can you help me out to win some quilty prizes? You could win a prize in the process. Vote for #38 in a photos of Pets on Quilts contest. The voting will be open this weekend, 8/27 and 8/28/16 at Lily Pad Quilting here:

I just love my ducks! Left to right are Emma, Jordan, Grey (in the back) Maisy, and Pepperoni (the Drake on the right). Wiggles the rooster looks on from the back along with all the other hens. The ducks didn't mind walking on the quilt one bit, but they chickens were a little timid. Even though they all LOVE watermelon, the ducks won this one hands down. I got all of them to look when I made the same noise that Wiggles the rooster makes when there is a hawk overhead. Cool pic, huh?

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