Any Home Bakers Here?

I have a friend that is making her own sourdough and making it with no yeast, just the bubbly sourdough starter. It's pretty yummy but I'm scared to give it a go myself. Can you use a sour dough started AND yeast? Sorry, I'm VERY novice with sour dough...which is hilarious because sour dough is my FAVORITE!
I have a friend that is making her own sourdough and making it with no yeast, just the bubbly sourdough starter. It's pretty yummy but I'm scared to give it a go myself. Can you use a sour dough started AND yeast? Sorry, I'm VERY novice with sour dough...which is hilarious because sour dough is my FAVORITE!
Yes, you can add yeast to the bread recipes.

What kind of sourdough do you want to make? French or loaf.
Either one! I love the flavor. My friend is making Spelt sourdough in a loaf.
Sourdough olive bread is a great french type:

Sourdough Olive Bread

1C Sourdough Starter
2¼ C Warm Water, divided
5 to7 C White bread flour
2 packets dry yeast
2 tsp sugar, divided
1 small onion
1C Kalamata Olives
2 Tbl. Olive Oil
2½ tsp salt

Make sponge with 2 cups water, all of the starter and 5 cups flour. Let rise 8 hours

Combine yeast, ¼ c warm water and ½ tsp sugar. Let stand 5 min. till bubbly

Sauté 1 C chopped Kalamata olives, 1 chopped small yellow onion and 4 minced garlic cloves in 2 TBl olive oil until onions are tender. Cool. Add to dough during first kneading.

Place flour mixture in the bowl of mixer. Add yeast mixture, salt, 11/2tsp sugar, oil and Olive mixture. Knead, adding up to 2 C flour, until smooth soft dough forms.

Place in an oiled bowl, cover with a dishtowel and let rise about 1 hour.

Punch down and divide in half for 2 large loves or fourths fro 4 smaller loves. Knead each portion by hand on a lightly floured surface until smooth, shape into rounds. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and lightly cover with a dishtowel. Let rise 1 hour, until doubled in size.

Preheat oven to 375F. Just before placing bread in the oven, place an oven proof bowl filed with 2 C water or ice in the bottom of oven to create steam to help bread form a crisp crust.

Slash tops of loaves with a sharp knife. For a rustic look, sprinkle with flour. Bake about 45 min, until loaves sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. Makes 2 loaves, 12 servings each.

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Every time I try to make sourdough bread I try slightly different recipes. I have try #4 in the oven. So far it looks pretty good.

This was the best sourdough bread I have made so far. I did not use any additional yeast. This was made with only starter.

I buttered the top to make the crust softer for my husband.
Quote: I had a small thin slice and the taste was good. The texture was nice but not what I think it should be from all of the pictures I have seen. I'm going back for a second slice. Hubby and I have some errands to do tomorrow so we're going to buy a sourdough loaf from a bakery on our journey, bring it home and compare.

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