Any Home Bakers Here?

I had a small thin slice and the taste was good. The texture was nice but not what I think it should be from all of the pictures I have seen. I'm going back for a second slice. Hubby and I have some errands to do tomorrow so we're going to buy a sourdough loaf from a bakery on our journey, bring it home and compare.
If you like a bit more of a sour taste, add half to a teaspoon of citric acid powder to the dough.

It looks like good bread!
Just PM'd Ron for his sourdough starter. Gonna jump into bread making.....wish me luck. I am excited to try and master the sourdough first.
It also helps to preserve bread too. With the two of us, we don't eat as much bread. A loaf will last us a few days. I make bagels on a regular basis. I love a bagel in the morning. I really love onion bagels so I substitute regular salt with onion salt and some dried chopped onions. The sourdough bagels I have tried to make are delicious but they tend to not raise as well. I'm embarrassed to post a picture of them. My regular bagels come out beautiful. I'm going to perfect my sourdough bread before I attempt bagels again. I am going to attempt sourdough blueberry pancakes.
Just PM'd Ron for his sourdough starter. Gonna jump into bread making.....wish me luck. I am excited to try and master the sourdough first.
You're going to love it! Nothing like fresh home baked bread!
You're going to love it!  Nothing like fresh home baked bread!  :love
growing up my mom made whole wheat breads a lot, nothing taste so good as hot fresh bread with some butter of course. Looking forward to testing the will be proud. I did not get her bread making skills...
It also helps to preserve bread too. With the two of us, we don't eat as much bread. A loaf will last us a few days. I make bagels on a regular basis. I love a bagel in the morning. I really love onion bagels so I substitute regular salt with onion salt and some dried chopped onions. The sourdough bagels I have tried to make are delicious but they tend to not raise as well. I'm embarrassed to post a picture of them. My regular bagels come out beautiful. I'm going to perfect my sourdough bread before I attempt bagels again. I am going to attempt sourdough blueberry pancakes.
Did you try this recipe?

They have yeast in them and the do raise--get pretty and golden colored.
growing up my mom made whole wheat breads a lot, nothing taste so good as hot fresh bread with some butter of course. Looking forward to testing the will be proud. I did not get her bread making skills...
It takes practice!

I started baking bread when I was 12. I started getting good at it when I was in my 20s and am still learning all the time and am 56 years old now.
Theres something about baking bread - it never ceases to intrigue me.

Here' something very random, but if you suffer a minor burn (I do often, but I'm clumsy like that) applying a small amount of toothpaste to the burn gives instant relief. I was told this, but did not believe it until I tried it.

It takes practice!

I started baking bread when I was 12. I started getting good at it when I was in my 20s and am still learning all the time and am 56 years old now.
I got my kids started in baking early. I started them on banana bread when they were under 10. Now my 18 year old is the main bread maker in the family. My 12 year old is the queen of banana bread...and I get to enjoy it all! I think it's important for kids to get in the's becoming a lost art!
This was the best sourdough bread I have made so far. I did not use any additional yeast. This was made with only starter.

I buttered the top to make the crust softer for my husband.

Your bread looks good!

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