Any Home Bakers Here?

X2, I have a fresh big bag of rolled oats. Been cooking and treating the hens...
heat oven to 225 while you work so you can use it to proof the dough

1 cup water
1 cup milk
2 1/4 teaspoon yeast
2 tablespoons honey
2 cups wheat flour
2 1/2 cups AP flour
1 cup rolled oats
4 tablespoons melted butter
1 tablespoon salt

combine water and milk heat 30-45 seconds add to mixer add yeast and honey. let stand 10 minutes

stir in flour, oats, butter and salt knead in mixer 6 minutes

let raise 1 hour

punch down and transfer to lightly floured surface, press into 8x8 inch square, tuck in sides and roll into a loaf. transfer into lightly greased 9x5 loaf pan seam side down. cover with towel proof for 45 minutes

heat oven too 400 sprinkle top with oats ( i egg washed it first ) bake 40-50 minutes rotate half way threw.

right out of the oven with fresh butter was amazing, I also made pumpkin butter and it was so yummy!!!

Happy baking
heat oven to 225 while you work so you can use it to proof the dough

1 cup water
1 cup milk
2 1/4 teaspoon yeast
2 tablespoons honey
2 cups wheat flour
2 1/2 cups AP flour
1 cup rolled oats
4 tablespoons melted butter
1 tablespoon salt

combine water and milk heat 30-45 seconds add to mixer add yeast and honey. let stand 10 minutes

stir in flour, oats, butter and salt knead in mixer 6 minutes

let raise 1 hour

punch down and transfer to lightly floured surface, press into 8x8 inch square, tuck in sides and roll into a loaf. transfer into lightly greased 9x5 loaf pan seam side down. cover with towel proof for 45 minutes

heat oven too 400 sprinkle top with oats ( i egg washed it first ) bake 40-50 minutes rotate half way threw.

right out of the oven with fresh butter was amazing, I also made pumpkin butter and it was so yummy!!!

Happy baking
Gotta try it. thanks.
This isn't a baked item but I really want to share this recipe for eggnog (and it does go really well with some baked goods so close enough). Love this recipe, it's so rich and makes a great coffee creamer. Uses lots of eggs if you have an excess. AND now we can have eggnog any time of year we want instead of once a year when the stores carry it. Whoo hoo!! DH found this on and we've played around with it a bit (ground cloves instead of whole, added more egg yolks, used half & half in place of cream). We leave out the rum so not sure how that tastes in it.

Amazingly Good Eggnog

2 cups milk
generous pinch of ground cloves (or 2-3 whole)
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
6-9 egg yolks (depends how rich & thick you want it)
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups light cream or half & half
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1 1/4 cup rum (optional)

Combine milk, cloves, 1/4 tsp vanillia and cinnamon in a large saucepan and heat slowly to bring to a boil.

In large bowl combine egg yolks and sugar. Whisk until fluffy.

Very slowly (don't want to cook the egg yolks!), whisk hot mix into the eggs. Pour mixture back into saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly for 5-8 minutes or until thick. Do not allow mixture to boil. If used whole cloves, strain them out now.

Stir in cream (or half & half), 1 tsp vanilla and nutmeg. Add rum if desired. Refrigerate overnight before serving.

Makes approx. 1/2 gallon.

Any eggnog-aholics like me out there? Oh, and all those leftover egg whites go back to the chickens in the form of scrambled, they love it when we make this too!
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DH is a eggnog-aholic. lol! He will drink a quart a day if it were in the fridge. Me, not so much. The texture is wrong for me to enjoy it, and the taste of the store bought ...
DH is a eggnog-aholic. lol! He will drink a quart a day if it were in the fridge. Me, not so much. The texture is wrong for me to enjoy it, and the taste of the store bought ...
Have you tried Vanilla Spiced Southern Comfort non-alcohol Eggnog…I love it. A little nutmeg on top and it is downright Evil..
Have you tried Vanilla Spiced Southern Comfort non-alcohol Eggnog…I love it.  A little nutmeg on top and it is downright Evil..

Mmm, good!,
Didn't they have two flavors a few yrs ago?
I enjoy a couple stiff soco and nog after Christmas dinner every yr.
Egg nog in my coffee also.

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