Any Home Bakers Here?

it was and this time I let the berries thaw over night in a colander with a bowl under and gosh was there alot of juice wished I'd had a recipe for some kind of blk berry syrup but I didn't even think about it till I had poured it down the drain.

You can also freeze the blueberry juice in ice cube trays and use it for smoothies.
Just make your coffee cake recipe as usual and toss in the blueberries - frozen work just fine.

and for blue berry syrup - I just add blueberries to maple syrup and heat it up on the stove.

If you want to make a blueberry sauce out of the juice, use the recipe for blueberry pie (probably 1/2 or 1/3 of a recipe would work) - must mixing the flour, cinnamon, sugar and salt in a bowl, heat the blueberry juice to a simmer and sprinkle in the flour mix, cooking for a minute to see how it thickens, keep adding a Tablespoon at a time until it is as thick as you want.
@NorthFLChick ,Thanks for EP recipe. Actually I love plain grilled eggplant - never tried it until last summer with a bumper crop and really got hooked on it. So quick and easy.

@Miss Lydia , I didn't like eggplant growing up. Mom only fried it and the store bought were always bitter. Really fresh, home grown and picked younger, there is no bitterness at all. EP take on the flavors of what it is cooked with, makes a great sub for meat in Italian recipes, it goes very well with tomato or tomato based sauces. As above, just sliced with a little olive oil, salt, pepper on the grill is awesome. Add a little parmesan or other cheese and even better. Very filling, same health benefits of blueberries but very low calories. But there are many veggies I don't like - and most of those I have never tried :)

@wyoDreamer , thanks for the tips. But somehow I cannot imagine cinnamon and blueberries together, will have to try it.
That was his supposition.

But this is the lad whom refused to believe he was eating kangaroo. I was cooking steaks one night when he stopped by, I told him they were kangaroo, he said fine, we were there eating later, he commented on how nice meat was, I told him that that kangaroo meat is better than beef in a lot of regards... He went home and several days later told me he couldn't find any at the supermarket. The next time we were there together I showed him where it was, he questioned why it wasn't with the other steak cuts I said because it's kangaroo... He brought and ate it twice more more my sister finally realised and explained that kangaroo was where meat came from and not the cut.
Never knew anyone ate kangaroo. What is it like?
Cinnamon + berries = a big no-no for DH. One of his few food rules. I've never missed it in any of the old recipes I've made without it.
Happy 4th of July everyone! We're headed out to the Jacksonville zoo in a few minutes then home to grill burgers. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Happy 4th of July everyone! We're headed out to the Jacksonville zoo in a few minutes then home to grill burgers. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Jax Zoo of gosh started going there with my parents when tiny tot. I bet it's has changed so much.
Have fun and

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!!

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