Any Home Bakers Here?

My mom used to make strawberry/rhubarb jelly. It was delicious! How about a rhubarb crisp?

Ok the book has a recipe for the following
Cherry rhubarb pie, salmon with gingered rhubarb compote,rhubarb popover pie, rhubarb lemon muffins, mishmashapple sauce(contaibs rhubarb), rhubarb sauce ( for pound cake) , rhubarb ice cream,rhubarb marmalade.

I like the idea of rhubarb jelly or the rhubarb marmalade. That way can still enjoy it over winter when it's died back to nothing :)
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Wish others were as careful. Years ago a worker gave us some jam. He sold it at the markets on weekends. I asked how he managed to keep enough jars, apparently he went to the garbage tip and got plenty from there. Sterilised or not couldn't quite eat it lol which was probably just as well as when I opened it before throwing a while later it was mouldy inside the lid.

Then the best one, lady at my mums work used to bring in slices to sell. Mum went to buy something then caught another lady giving her the don't do it look so left it. She found out later that the polystyrene that it was wrapped on was recycled from the ladies raw meat she bought and when you picked it up and inspected carefully there was still red in the edge grooves from the blood.
Now I know why we don't eat out much!
I usually make my own jams/jellies, so I'm in the clear there.
I am really picky about putting things away when I cook. Especially meat.
as when I opened it before throwing a while later it was mouldy inside the lid.
I can't eat things like that when I don't know where they've come from. A neighbour gave me some lemon curd which I threw out. Maybe it would have been ok, but I don't take chances on stuff like that.
Me too now. Won't buy from markets or school fetes

Well I tasted my bottled Beetroot. Tasted just like the canned stuff. I did use malt vinegar though rather that the apple cider. My eldest however thought it tasted like the garden so think that tastes like dirt comment earlier may have more to do with taste buds than anything else as I've no idea what she was talking about. Tasted fine to me.
Lol @appps, glad they turned out good :) Maybe some people just have more touchy buds, or maybe didn't eat enough dirt as a tot ha-ha :D

An acquired taste, "earthy" ;)

Ah, @DigMyChicks, just what I was waiting for, as I was too lazy to scroll back and find it :D

I won't, however, be too lazy to whip those right up and hoard them all to myself... Well, I'll make 2 batches; its so hard watching everyone eyeball me while I'm eating goodies that they can't touch ;)

I might be taking the "eating for 2" thing too far already though lol; "Baby" has gained 12 lbs in 6 weeks from hoarding all those oreos and Doritos :p

And I haven't even tried the cinnamon roll pancakes yet! :(
I made the 5-layer heart cake yesterday. Anyone want the cake tins? Probably won't be using them again.

According to the box, a "regular cake mix" would be right for the tins. So I made up our favorite cake recipe since that makes a "regular cake mix" size cake. Even though I didn't use all the batter, the tins still over-flowed in the oven (thankfully, I had put a baking sheet under them). They were almost impossible to get out of the tins without tearing. All those layers used 1 1/2 recipe of frosting. It took forever to get it all put together.

DH's comment? "You can't tell it's heart shaped unless you lean over it."

Definitely not worth the work or the time.
I made the 5-layer heart cake yesterday. Anyone want the cake tins? Probably won't be using them again.

According to the box, a "regular cake mix" would be right for the tins. So I made up our favorite cake recipe since that makes a "regular cake mix" size cake. Even though I didn't use all the batter, the tins still over-flowed in the oven (thankfully, I had put a baking sheet under them). They were almost impossible to get out of the tins without tearing. All those layers used 1 1/2 recipe of frosting. It took forever to get it all put together.

DH's comment? "You can't tell it's heart shaped unless you lean over it."

Definitely not worth the work or the time.

Aww bummer! :( It looked so promising, too...

I really don't like some of the tins; lol I tried a ghost once for Halloween and it looked more like Slimer than anything :D

I like to try to put as much decoration as possible to detract from the lopsidedness sometimes; if I put piping in just the right angle, it still looks round, from the top ;)

Lol sorry, had to chuckle at the comment from DH, he tried, there. He really did try ha-ha ;)
I made the 5-layer heart cake yesterday. Anyone want the cake tins? Probably won't be using them again.

According to the box, a "regular cake mix" would be right for the tins. So I made up our favorite cake recipe since that makes a "regular cake mix" size cake. Even though I didn't use all the batter, the tins still over-flowed in the oven (thankfully, I had put a baking sheet under them). They were almost impossible to get out of the tins without tearing. All those layers used 1 1/2 recipe of frosting. It took forever to get it all put together.

DH's comment? "You can't tell it's heart shaped unless you lean over it."

Definitely not worth the work or the time.

Sorry about that, it is disappointing after all that planning and work
. Maybe you could make a Valentine Wind Chime with those tins ? Or give away all but one and next time use it as a stencil for powdered sugar heart on top of a cake?

And sorry, but your DH's comment is priceless, and hope you were laughing by then?

Happy Valentine's Day Everybody!

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