Any Home Bakers Here?

I signed up for Pinterest several years ago. They have tons of ideas on there. I find it difficult to get actual patterns though. Usually the links just lead to more pages. But lots of help on other stuff.
I don't like the fact they email me about people who follow my pins or new pins though.

So far I haven't done much more other than look at the pictures. Not sure how all of it works yet so nothing "pinned" (what is that exactly?).
Today's the day!
Cookie Day Dec 4 2017.jpg

I'm going to try a new cookie recipe today...Eggnog Cookies! I now eggnog isn't for everyone but DH & I love the stuff so hoping the cookies turn out well.

Anyone else baking today?
Bread dough is in it's container, I figure I'll pull out a boule for tonight and put the rest in the fridge. Deb, will I be in trouble, I used a 4qt container?
Ron, I am going to make a pot of Soup. AND mix my multi grain
Debby, how neat. Glad I joined this thread...when I read all that is
going on...I get going. AND I need that push. You are SUPER people to know. Regards, Aria
The sourdough honey spelt bread was very good with the chicken soup yesterday. I pressure cooked two frozen cockerels--they were small ones--and then made stock from the bones.
Makes a very good soup!

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