Any Home Bakers Here?

So, survived the 2. operation, can’t say I enjoyed the experience either first nor second time around 🤪 right now I am at the “I wish I was snow white and would fall asleep and wake up in 3 months” phase ….everything is complicated , slow and painful 🙄 they tried new pain meds, which caused my stomach to ache, as usual, so no joy there, will only take them at night to get some sleep, what I am really thankful for is that I have a room all to myself 😁 it is pentecost vacation time, and either the doctors or patients have better things to to than spend them at a hospital, another thing I’m grateful for is that my doctor went on vacation on Friday, after operating on me on Thursday..I don’t envy the nurse, she is responsible for the whole floor, but as I said, not too many patients around anyways, the tv broke down, and the wifi is spotty, but it is all ok as long as I can enjoy my “own” room 😅 last time was horrible, mosquitoes ate me up, and my roomie snored all night, didn’t get a wink of sleep, and I couldn’t read cos the light would have disturbed my neighbor ( nice lady that she was) , now I am on the 4th floor ( last time it was 3.) maybe those buggers don’t fly that high 🤔

So, survived the 2. operation, can’t say I enjoyed the experience either first nor second time around 🤪 right now I am at the “I wish I was snow white and would fall asleep and wake up in 3 months” phase ….everything is complicated , slow and painful 🙄 they tried new pain meds, which caused my stomach to ache, as usual, so no joy there, will only take them at night to get some sleep, what I am really thankful for is that I have a room all to myself 😁 it is pentecost vacation time, and either the doctors or patients have better things to to than spend them at a hospital, another thing I’m grateful for is that my doctor went on vacation on Friday, after operating on me on Thursday..I don’t envy the nurse, she is responsible for the whole floor, but as I said, not too many patients around anyways, the tv broke down, and the wifi is spotty, but it is all ok as long as I can enjoy my “own” room 😅 last time was horrible, mosquitoes ate me up, and my roomie snored all night, didn’t get a wink of sleep, and I couldn’t read cos the light would have disturbed my neighbor ( nice lady that she was) , now I am on the 4th floor ( last time it was 3.) maybe those buggers don’t fly that high 🤔

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Best wishes on your recovery!

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