Any hunters on here?

just wondering if any of you guys are trying to get drawn for any big game?

am going for mule deer this year. hoping to get drawn but my status is in the middle so i most likely will not be drawn. who knows though.
I know a funny bear hunting story or two - but I don't hunt bear, so they are stories about friends hunts.
I have a friend who recently started bow hunting for bear. One of his good friends is a devoted hunter and does a little guided hunts on the side - so he offered to set my buddy up for his first season of bear hunting. They set up a double stand so they could video tape the hunt and had a nice set-up. During the first few weekends of hunting, it seems my buddy managed to drop quite a few things out of the stand - his coffee thermos, his lunch bag, his glove, his hat, his bow, etc. Every time, his buddy climbed down and returned it to him. Finally, one Saturday, a big boar came in and my buddy shot it. They tracked it into the brush and when they got there, his buddy turned to him and said "Well, do we drag it back to the stand so you can drop it."
I am in Western Maryland and we do not have a draws here except for bear, and that's a complete cluster. We have bears out here but all the center and Eastern shore people want to hunt them too and put in for tags. Then when they get them they expect everyone else to let them hunt their land out west here. My buddy has bears on his hunting property across from his house and 5 years and can't get a tag and other people have had them several times. There is no point system to that draw here either.

No real big game here except Whitetail and Sika on the eastern shore. I am not drive that far for Sika. We get a chance at three bucks. Two and only one in each season Bow, gun or Muzzleloader and a bonus buck in one of he three after you got two. Then it is ten does, per season, if you tried. I have not even heard of anyone trying except some guys down near the cities and donating them to the Farmers Feeding the hungry thing. They got mad one year as they run out of money and the butchers won't take anymore.
I am literally allow to shoot enough deer to fill three freezers. I can't eat that much and don;t want to process it either. ;) I let a lot of deer walk past me sometimes.
If you’re bringing it back?

Late to the party here. But, I’ve hunted white tail with the family since I was a pre teen. Always for food no real trophies. 8pt has been the biggest.

Small game has been coincidental (rabbit squirrel etc).

Never got into birds, but trap and skeet are fun.

This is in northern Michigan
I love hunting. I only hunt for the meat, but ever spring we do bear and fall is either a mix of white tail, mule deer, elk, moose, bear or pronghorn depending on if i get drawn for anything.

Hoping this fall to arrow my first deer going to try either white tail or mule deer.
I pass more deer(whitetail) then I shoot. Not because I'm a trophy hunter, but only I eat it, so one is enough. My nephews hunt, and do a fine job of filling the freezer. Won't shoot a doe during archery or rifle so I wait for something bigger. Late ML season I'll take a doe if I didn't get anything with the bow.
Absolutely love spring turkey hunting, but my busy season is in full swing, and I hate getting up so damn early, lol.

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