Any Trappers Out There?

Just thought I'd give this thread a bump. I just had a problem with a loss of a hen in my DIL's coop. I moved the birds, set a live trap and caught a possum that night. Time to go on a possum rampage.
If you got one there are plenty more i'm sure Trapper. We have a drainage ditch that runs near our chicken pens and last year I stopped counting at 50 'possums using one trap right in front of the same old den hole. I would just shoot the one in the trap and stuff it down in the hole. At first there was one every night in the trap then every other night and so on until it got down to one every couple weeks when I finally pulled the trap since it was getting so rusty. I was suprised there were so many in the area.

We used to trap as kids for extra spending money.

Thinking about taking up trapping here when I get something to drive. I'm more into taxidermy right now but I don't have anything else to mount LOL.
If anyone close to me has a coon they'd let me buy off of them. I might take up your offer
Just want to do a coon shoulder mount right now. Hopefully going yote hunting this weekend.


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