anybody raise sprouts to feed the chickens?

I am going
I sprout bird seed for my girls and they love it. I have 3 glass jars going at once so I have a steady supply for the
I am going to sprout oats for the winter as the rain here takes nutrients out of the ground, and the local grange had oats. I have jars and a heat lamp I was thinking of usining as we have had less sunshine than usual this year. Anything I'm not thinking of.
Well, I've tried several batches of wheat that came from my sister, with no sprouting happening at all. Does anyone have any suggestions for inexpensive sources of grains?
I try to stick with expensive organic wheat from Azure Standard, but sometimes it's scraps that won't sprout, or immature or something. Then I go to the feed store and get Payback wheat, and it always sprouts.
I've tried to find a way to keep this from being a mess in the house in winter. My latest plan involves a square bucket with holes punched in it. After I soak the grain in a big glass jar overnight I pour it into the bucket in the sink, and after the bucket is done leaking I place it in a bay window. So far, so good.
Two large yogurt containers of seed, soaked, will feed my flock of 26.
I buy BOSS from the pets store, it is about $0.4/lb, for sprouting. It is sold as bird seed. For human food, is the best online outlet. But many whole seeds from the feed store should sprout, including corn.
I hear that Walmart sells bulk wheat which sprouts well.

Hoosier, where did your sister get her wheat, how has it been stored, and how old is it? Hers may be old, heat treated, improperly stored. I bought my 50# bags of wheat and barley from the feed store, and they are sprouting fine. (a bit pricey at $25/bag) Other options include: millet, BOSS, lentils (from the grocery store sprout fine) and seeds which are packaged and meant to be used as deer fodder. (be sure they are not coated, or treated with fungicide. Thanks Kassaundra for the excellent recommendation re: this product!)

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